Rockypointtalk fishing tournament


Assuming you guys pull this off with a big catch. What happens to the fish you catch? Maybe you could plan ahead and arrange for one of the charities to take some to feed the local folk? If they know it's coming they might be able to use it.
Excellent idea Roberto, and I'm sure everyone would agree. I would think that after setting some aside for the fish fry, and a prudent amount to take home, that everyone would be more than glad to do that.
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I believe they are striped curvina Kenny or maybe orange mouthed . If anyone wants to see really big curvina, just look outside Balboas at night. There are some of phenomonal size. The only one I've seen caught weighed in at 12 lbs and was not one of the big ones. I don't know of the exact size or species but 40+ miles out in October we catch a lot of big ones. My best is 15 lbs, but one of the guys at safe marina says this is only"average". there are ways to target big blacks,yes, but chances are they'll bite on anything. I think I had one on this weekend but thankfully the line let go after I had it up 50 feet. I did catch one of twenty five lbs earlier in the season and he was quite tasty. Can't say the same for the big ones.
I kind of like Ric's ideas. He has some of the best knowledge of Rocky Point fishing and I agree with the safety issues. We had a rough trip out and back to the 51 this weekend and I'm sure we could have done just as well inshore.
Good to see you back around Ric We miss your reports.
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It appears if the tourney idea is moving in the direction of a (30 mile ?) limit of Safe Harbor for offshore boats (Class A). 12 - 15 miles (safety reasons) miles for inshore boats (Class B), kayaks, inflatables and (?) (Class C) 3 miles within shoreline, and shore fishermen.

Only game fish and separate classes for specie.

Weigh-in for X amount of fish per specie? Well, what if we make it so that each angler will be allowed only one entry per specie? That way, if yours truly only catches only one fish, I may still come forward knowing I may win with just one fish... But if we accepted x amount of fish per specie, then I'll probably not show up with just one fish... But then again that could be a good thing! Make sense?

The reason why I was suggesting the Captain split the pot with the winning angler (for that class of fishing style and specie) is because the Captain put the anglers on fish. Without a knowledgeable and skilled Captain there's not much chance of fish on the deck.

My apologies for forgetting about the bladder issue... Big "Duh" on my part.

I like the idea of two full fishing days, meeting somewhere in the evening for weigh in, lie swapping and heading home on the third day. Can I suggest folks departing on Monday to avoid traffic? Will that work for everyone? Meet Friday PM for final check in, fish Sat., meet for weigh in, dinner/lies; fish Sunday, meet again for weigh in, dinner and Top Fisherman awards. Wrap things up by 8 PM, liquid refreshments immediately following; location at Kenny's place (under decks of unoccupied trailers).


Looking at the tides Friday and Saturday shows lower tide flucation. Meet Thurs. PM, fish Friday and Saturday. Thoughts? Can everyone make it?


Fishing Tourneyment . . .

Greetings . . .

I am already planning to be there so let me know the details. I am new to salt water fishing, but I am ready to dominate.


Hey Don! Do you remember bwitry's post, the one where he said he was catching Corvina with beef stew? Do you remember that when questioned about it, he never gave his technique or if it was canned or not? Do you think he just ran out of bait and fished with his lunch, or planned it? Do you think he sounds screwy enough to fit in, unless he really is a Texan?

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Yeaup', I remember the post. And quickly dismissed it. Sure sounded like someone has a great imagination. Kenny, when's the last time you took stew aboard a boat? Hot dogs ok, but stew???
Nah. Screwy enough to fit in, definitely. If he's Texan, well they make good chum.


Hey there! The beef stew was a recommendation from a Rocky Point fishing book I came across. It probably would have made a good lunch now that I think about it. The technique was basically a Salmon fishing technique learned within in Oregon: 4 foot line off a spreader with a 3-5 oz weight hanging off of it - change the depth as information is presented on the sounder. I have having better luck with Kastmasters lately.

Definitely not a Texan!



Rules for the Tourney to be posted later today.

Basically a two day tournament, Start daylight on June 5th, end 1700 on June 6th.

Specifics to follow.

Need Tyler to appear as Weigh in Judge.


Wally wrote this in his book "supergrouper" in reference to trigger fish. It's also a good bait in the surf as it stays on good. Hell, my dog eats fish, why wouldn't a fish eat cow.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
In the Navy, I often used to sit on a sponson or the fantail of the USS America when were in port and fish. I'd go down to the galley and the Filipino cooks would dice up a whole steak or two (usually destined for the Officers Mess, not us lowly enlisteds) and make me promise that if I caught any fish I'd bring them back down to the galley for them to cook up. Used to catch all sorts of stuff, including weakfish - aka "sea trout" on the East coast. Same basic corvina we catch in Rocky Point. Fish do indeed eat cow!


I was really teasing him
for his "I am ready to dominate" remark. Heck yes raw meat works great for a lot of fish, both salt and fresh, but Nalley's beef stew.:razz:


First Annual “Rocky Point Talk“ Fishing Tournament Rules

Tournament Dates: June 5th and June 6th.
Tournament Hours: Saturday, June 5th, Start daylight: weigh in at Safe Marina, from 1800 to 2000 hr.
Sunday, June 6th, Start daylight: weigh in at Safe Marina, from 1500 to 1700 hr.
Notes: Since many times the most productive time for shore anglers will be night fishing, Shore Anglers will be have the option of weighing in at Safe Marina during the same times as boat anglers. Dressed fish (please leave head and tail attached) will be allowed (How much fellas?) percentage increase to arrive at a total body weight.
Note: “Fellas”, since its June, should we require all fish be dressed prior to weigh in?
Angler type: Class A: Offshore Angler (restricted to fishing 35 mile radius from Safe Marina).
Class B: Inshore Angler (restricted to fishing 15 mile radius from Safe Marina).
Class C: Bay Angler (Inflatable/kayak, boat limited to 15 hp, 3 miles from shore).
Class D: Shore Angler.

Species allowed: Game fish to include: grouper/separate by genus, pargo, pinto, corvina, corbina,
red snapper, sierra, trigger, sand bass, gold spots, white sea bass, pompano,
flounder and…(Fellas?)
Weigh in Rules: Each angler will be allowed to weigh in only One fish of each specie. (trying to
stop a body count), and likewise enable the less experienced to join in the fun. If
an angler only catches one fish, you could still be in the tournament

Registration: Via the Forum. Payment (how much?) to be collected Saturday evening at _______ , where everyone will meet following weigh in for stories, fish fry and? Well, what are your thoughts, additions, deletions, changes?
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BTW, I was thinking of these stop times for the following reasons:

[FONT=&quot]Saturday: 1) Fella’s would be off the water while still daylight (safety), 2) It will give folks a chance to meet forum members, swap stories while enjoying a fish fry (trailer park), and it would be early enough to have a fish fry, 3) this would allow everyone time to hit the sack for battle again at dawn on Sunday.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Sunday early again for story swapping, and for those who work on Monday, they’ll be able to weigh in, hang around while other check in, and depart for and arrive in Phoenix w/o it being too late. Finally for those who wash down and store their boat in PP time for that while daylight.[/FONT]

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Time start and stop times sound good. I am going down Feb. 26th thru Mar. 3rd, hopefully the fish population will recover by June 6th.