PitiquitoRosy said:
"the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it"
This coming from the guy who hasn't called it accurately yet. Why was it about race? Because you deem it so? Because the Americans you claim so vehemently to support overrode your rhetoric and that of others of your ilk and elected a man who better reflected their principles? Are you too entrenched in your your ideology to turn up the volume on the television set, wave your flag, and celebrate the electoral process of our great country?
"I'll be under my bed as I'm sure there's more character/personal attacks coming...that's what people do when they feel that they can't win on facts"
The election was won on facts, ideals, history, and hope, not race. Remember that the people whose vote you discount because you say they voted by race would not have had a vote were they not full-fledged Americans...as you and I are. Don't be a coward and hide under your bed......come out and deal with the choice of the majority the way the rest of us have for the last eight years (especially those of us who sent our own children off to war).
Come out from under your bed, man...I've lived my nightmare and now my son is home safe. It's your turn to express pride in your country even though you don't agree with the policies...God knows the rest of us have done it for the last eight years. Wave those flags now, Castaway!
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calm down Rose...the bed comment is a joke and these are just words and opinions. By your responses you seem have my views all rapped up with somebody else or some stereotype that you've attached me to. As you well know, we are all complex and it's impossible to see through to someone very clearly based on a few words on a screen.
It's also a waste of time to list in painstaking my own life long credentials to prove to you that I'm not a bigot or a racist so I won't. You've made up your mind as many of the so called left wing liberals are some of the most narrow minded, closed minded people that you can meet
No big deal Rose but just to show that if you think my views about Bush and Obama are based on this 100% right wing conservative foundation, you would be wrong again. I've been a loony lefty like you going back to the 60's with Vietnam and the rest of the problems that were troubling our nation and the world in those days. We did the whole deal...marches, sit ins, even got the crap beat out of me and my teeth knocked out in an LAPD police riot. We were died in the wool Democrats supporting party line up through and including Clinton.
So much for your preaching and lecturing what your standards are.

Also, you keep bringing up the boys and yours over in Iraq...ours is coming home in March after his second tour and yes we're proud of him as well and relieved that so far he hasn't been hurt like so many others. So yes, that makes us proud that we could serve and this here U.S.A is a place worth serving.
So you see Rose, we may have more in common then you think and I still believe that Obama's marketing department has pulled off the biggest scam in history and yes fooled everybody!
Now Mrs. Obama wasn't proud of her country for her entire adult life until we the people proved our wisdom, sincerity, and potential by supporting her husband for President. Now that made me laugh my ass off and it still does! The things people can say and get away with it. If Cindy McCain had said that she would have been tarred, feathered, and run out on a rail!!!
I was in the minority politically in the 60's and I'm in the minority now by believing tha Bush fought the war on terror correctly. It doesn't bother me. As for you, go with the crowd if you want to and that suits you. As for me I'll keep questioning and calling bullshit when I see it, not when all of the lemmings do.
But I will agree with you and support this President as I said earlier. If he loses we all lose. Too bad the loony left couldn't see that as they all stood in chorus calling Bush names in front of the whole world to see.
Hail to the Chief and Hail to The Cardinals!!!
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