
In honor of the end of our first male cheerleader presidents disastrous 8 years Im going to put my flight suit on(Sportsmans Guide) and cut some brush at my fake ranch and ride my bike real fast like.

El Feo

jerry said:
In honor of the end of our first male cheerleader presidents disastrous 8 years Im going to put my flight suit on(Sportsmans Guide) and cut some brush at my fake ranch and ride my bike real fast like.
How cooool. You should run for president :ugeek: :ugeek:


at least there's a lively thread going...

the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it

I'll be under my bed as I'm sure there's more character/personal attacks coming...that's what people do when they feel that they can't win on facts



castaway said:
at least there's a lively thread going...

the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it

I'll be under my bed as I'm sure there's more character/personal attacks coming...that's what people do when they feel that they can't win on facts


There's certainly is no doubt it was for you. :roll: You are about as clear as can be about what you are, and that's one fact right there :lol:

Don't forget that Martin Luther King day is tomorrow and don't miss the inauguration :sunny: on Tuesday castaway, that would be a real shame if you did. :cry:



the truth is I love all of you and want the very best for ya...


It wasn't about race it was about Bush leaving the county in a big mess.Any Democrat would have won against any Republican.The reason Obama was the guy at the plate was he called bullshit on the Iraq war.
On more important stuff HOW ABOUT THOSE CARDINALS!!!!!!
"the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it"

This coming from the guy who hasn't called it accurately yet. Why was it about race? Because you deem it so? Because the Americans you claim so vehemently to support overrode your rhetoric and that of others of your ilk and elected a man who better reflected their principles? Are you too entrenched in your your ideology to turn up the volume on the television set, wave your flag, and celebrate the electoral process of our great country?

"I'll be under my bed as I'm sure there's more character/personal attacks coming...that's what people do when they feel that they can't win on facts"

The election was won on facts, ideals, history, and hope, not race. Remember that the people whose vote you discount because you say they voted by race would not have had a vote were they not full-fledged you and I are. Don't be a coward and hide under your bed......come out and deal with the choice of the majority the way the rest of us have for the last eight years (especially those of us who sent our own children off to war).

Come out from under your bed, man...I've lived my nightmare and now my son is home safe. It's your turn to express pride in your country even though you don't agree with the policies...God knows the rest of us have done it for the last eight years. Wave those flags now, Castaway!

:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:


Did you all know in the month of December 2008 we lost 32 young men and women in our fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in iraq and apghganistan?

God Bless our troops, 3/8 kill Osama!


Legalizing drugs would be better than sending more troops to Afghanistan and Mexico.
I think McCain is hunting down Osama (just south of the gates of hell)


PitiquitoRosy said:
"the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it"

This coming from the guy who hasn't called it accurately yet. Why was it about race? Because you deem it so? Because the Americans you claim so vehemently to support overrode your rhetoric and that of others of your ilk and elected a man who better reflected their principles? Are you too entrenched in your your ideology to turn up the volume on the television set, wave your flag, and celebrate the electoral process of our great country?

"I'll be under my bed as I'm sure there's more character/personal attacks coming...that's what people do when they feel that they can't win on facts"

The election was won on facts, ideals, history, and hope, not race. Remember that the people whose vote you discount because you say they voted by race would not have had a vote were they not full-fledged you and I are. Don't be a coward and hide under your bed......come out and deal with the choice of the majority the way the rest of us have for the last eight years (especially those of us who sent our own children off to war).

Come out from under your bed, man...I've lived my nightmare and now my son is home safe. It's your turn to express pride in your country even though you don't agree with the policies...God knows the rest of us have done it for the last eight years. Wave those flags now, Castaway!

:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:
calm down Rose...the bed comment is a joke and these are just words and opinions. By your responses you seem have my views all rapped up with somebody else or some stereotype that you've attached me to. As you well know, we are all complex and it's impossible to see through to someone very clearly based on a few words on a screen.

It's also a waste of time to list in painstaking my own life long credentials to prove to you that I'm not a bigot or a racist so I won't. You've made up your mind as many of the so called left wing liberals are some of the most narrow minded, closed minded people that you can meet

No big deal Rose but just to show that if you think my views about Bush and Obama are based on this 100% right wing conservative foundation, you would be wrong again. I've been a loony lefty like you going back to the 60's with Vietnam and the rest of the problems that were troubling our nation and the world in those days. We did the whole deal...marches, sit ins, even got the crap beat out of me and my teeth knocked out in an LAPD police riot. We were died in the wool Democrats supporting party line up through and including Clinton.

So much for your preaching and lecturing what your standards are. :)))

Also, you keep bringing up the boys and yours over in Iraq...ours is coming home in March after his second tour and yes we're proud of him as well and relieved that so far he hasn't been hurt like so many others. So yes, that makes us proud that we could serve and this here U.S.A is a place worth serving.

So you see Rose, we may have more in common then you think and I still believe that Obama's marketing department has pulled off the biggest scam in history and yes fooled everybody!

Now Mrs. Obama wasn't proud of her country for her entire adult life until we the people proved our wisdom, sincerity, and potential by supporting her husband for President. Now that made me laugh my ass off and it still does! The things people can say and get away with it. If Cindy McCain had said that she would have been tarred, feathered, and run out on a rail!!!

I was in the minority politically in the 60's and I'm in the minority now by believing tha Bush fought the war on terror correctly. It doesn't bother me. As for you, go with the crowd if you want to and that suits you. As for me I'll keep questioning and calling bullshit when I see it, not when all of the lemmings do.

But I will agree with you and support this President as I said earlier. If he loses we all lose. Too bad the loony left couldn't see that as they all stood in chorus calling Bush names in front of the whole world to see.

Hail to the Chief and Hail to The Cardinals!!!
:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:
"calm down Rose...the bed comment is a joke and these are just words and opinions. By your responses you seem have my views all rapped up with somebody else or some stereotype that you've attached me to. As you well know, we are all complex and it's impossible to see through to someone very clearly based on a few words on a screen."
You say that, yet from you've called me biased, left-wing loony and unpatriotic. You also accused me of pandering for approval. You seem incapable of (among other things) maintaining a conversation without resorting to your old standby: insults. When that fails, you play the victim and claim everyone is unfair to you.

"It's also a waste of time to list in painstaking my own life long credentials to prove to you that I'm not a bigot or a racist so I won't. You've made up your mind as many of the so called left wing liberals are some of the most narrow minded, closed minded people that you can meet"
Add narrow minded to the list of things you have called me. You are judgemental, and that tells me that whatever assumptions I've formed about you are correct. I haven't accused you of bigotry. I accused you of being self-righteous and wrong. While I'm on the subject of your defects, let me say I find you unfunny and lacking in wit.

"No big deal Rose but just to show that if you think my views about Bush and Obama are based on this 100% right wing conservative foundation, you would be wrong again. I've been a loony lefty like you"
There you go again. Let's add disrespectful and condescending to your name tag.

"going back to the 60's with Vietnam and the rest of the problems that were troubling our nation and the world in those days. We did the whole deal...marches, sit ins, even got the crap beat out of me and my teeth knocked out in an LAPD police riot. We were died in the wool Democrats supporting party line up through and including Clinton"
Yeah, you assume I am a Democrat? Based on what? Based on my support of Obama? Republicans and Independents also helped put him in office, you know.

"So much for your preaching and lecturing what your standards are. :)))"
You are also dismissive and snide. Go back over the history of posts and maybe then you'll realize (although I doubt you possess the insight) that the topic was my newspaper and you were off and running about my lack of objectivity and a bunch of generalizations. I should've just ignored you on GP.

"So you see Rose, we may have more in common then you think"
Not unless I play dumb...

"and I still believe that Obama's marketing department has pulled off the biggest scam in history and yes fooled everybody!" Oy vey! Somebody please hold me back...

"Now Mrs. Obama wasn't proud of her country for her entire adult life until we the people proved our wisdom, sincerity, and potential by supporting her husband for President. Now that made me laugh my ass off and it still does! The things people can say and get away with it. If Cindy McCain had said that she would have been tarred, feathered, and run out on a rail!!!"
That is not what she said, but why should you get that right and spoil your record?

"I was in the minority politically in the 60's and I'm in the minority now by believing tha Bush fought the war on terror correctly. It doesn't bother me. As for you, go with the crowd if you want to and that suits you. As for me I'll keep questioning and calling bullshit when I see it, not when all of the lemmings do."
You sound here like you are trying to be the hero/victim. Geez...

"But I will agree with you and support this President as I said earlier. If he loses we all lose. Too bad the loony left couldn't see that as they all stood in chorus calling Bush names in front of the whole world to see."
With support like yours, who needs enemies?


I think almost everything you said is right will you un-clamp your jaws from my jugular? I,m not trying to be anything other then what is Rose. The point is that we can't just put people in boxes, label it, and think we know. But then I know you know that...maybe.

if I didn't know better I'd think you were a reporter and a Democrat...

btw if Mrs. Obama had said that would it have been wrong? She did say it. You've been watching The View too long Rosie!


I know you will love this castaway, enjoy...My niece who is a state Rep in Idaho sent me what I'm going to post below. She's a product of the counter culture and spent time as a child living in a teepee in the national forest's up in Oregon and later in Joshia tree National forest in California where her brother Josh was born. Her name is Sunny, :sunny: and she's stayed true and active for a better America and world.


The year is 2016. You glance at the television one morning and see President Obama having another of his many press conferences. He has now been in office for almost 8 years. It has not been perfect, but things are much better than when he took office in January of 2009.

You notice that his hair has whitened and he still has that winning smile and that take charge/positive energy that he had when he was campaigning back in 2008.

You remember how concerned you were about whether or not he would win in 2008 and you feel deeply contented that he has been safely in office for such a long time. He and Congress have done much to address global warming, healthcare, development of alternative energy sources and a variety of other important matters to the country and the planet.

You feel deep gratitude for the past eight years and how things have unfolded.

See it...Feel it...breathe it...Pass it on. Let us...remember... all of the wonderful reasons we appreciate this reality.

Take 30 seconds right now. Close your eyes and imagine exactly what our country will feel like.

Imagine how deeply gratifying it will feel.

Imagine whatever it is in that future that you desire.

Imagine successful diplomacy and world peace.

Imagine prosperity designed for all by their own curiosity, their creativity and the easy availability of all the tools necessary.

Imagine the citizen groups, progressive populism, social justice, and the grassroots finding their voice.

Imagine a world-wide not-for-profit health system that works beautifully around the globe.

Imagine alternative energy systems developed and deployed everywhere.

Imagine the earth being healed and revitalized, cherished and respected.

Imagine being very proud of your country and its leaders.

Imagine whatever it is that draws you to support change now.

Imagine the details of what your life looks like, and more.

Just 30 seconds. Do it several times a day. We can shift and change the vibration of this country with positive visions just like this.
castaway said:
if I didn't know better I'd think you were a reporter and a Democrat...

btw if Mrs. Obama had said that would it have been wrong? She did say it. You've been watching The View too long Rosie!
I thought your prior unfunniness was pitiful...but these attempts at backhanded humor are enough to make people cringe. Please stop it. No, I don't watch The View. I have 2 full-time businesses and might I add that lately you have kept me kinda busy? In addition, I do have to go out to events so I have something to write about. Maybe you are watching too much Bill O'Reilly?

Now I am starting to suspect you have no one else to play with, but please take up with someone else for awhile...I have a deadline. If you haven't self-destructed by then, I will get back to you someday when I have time to kill.


Rosie, I just want to say that your paper if great and has more information that other publications that have been around for a long time.
Now lets go back to the bashing party!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek3:
I enjoy doing it and am glad you like it, Inka. But every Monday I go nuts for a couple of days while I meet the deadline. Last week I learned all I ever wanted to know about tequila. With Mexican elections coming up, I will be writing a lot about the campaigns for RP mayor and Sonora governor. Stay tuned...
Hey Rosie, I sure would like to see you go after the Mexican drug cartels in your paper like you are going after conservatives here. Come on, you seem to be pretty fearless with the people you disagree with on this fourm. Lets see your huevos chica! I"m sure their response would be as gentlemanly as Castaways.
el jimador said:
Hey Rosie, I sure would like to see you go after the Mexican drug cartels in your paper like you are going after conservatives here. Come on, you seem to be pretty fearless with the people you disagree with on this fourm. Lets see your huevos chica! I"m sure their response would be as gentlemanly as Castaways.
Hahah...cute. I don't have anything against conservatives at all, in fact I tend to be kind of fiscally conservative and socially more liberal. I am an Independent and have had my share of arguments with Democrats. It just depends upon who has tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to dance, and in this case it was Castaway.

If you've read the paper, you'll note that I do publish news about cartel activity. I'm writing tomorrow's issue now and there is some stuff in there. What you may not realize is that the backlash may not be from the cartels, but from realtors in town who are afraid talking about this side of Mexico will negatively impact their business.

By the way, I don't know that Casty was all that gentlemanly. Look, my knees don't buckle easily. I'm currently pursuing a high-profile lawsuit against someone people might say is politically connected and somewhat powerful, former mayor of Penasco, Ramon Martinez and his mealy-mouthed brother Martin Martinez, owners of Terranova Inversiones.

Not only won't I quit, I intend to win back the money stolen from me. I've given interviews on tv and radio and stared them down in court...