Hi Kramer, I'm glad you enjoyed the RPNO and am sorry that you and others have been disappointed with its current situation. I haven't given up on it altogether. Someday soon I'm hoping to be able to revive it and actually keep it up.So has Rocky Point News Online gone away? So sad, I use to look forward to it.
Valid point, Roberto. I've been paying to keep the site live just because I didn't want to believe I'd given up on it (still don't, for that matter). Every time the subject of shutting it down comes up, I say to myself: "No. I'll update it this weekend". In fact, that's what I just said to myself again. Guess my needle is stuck.Hey Rosie, nothing to be ashamed about but you might want to think about shutting it down temporarily or posting something to that effect. With stuff being mostly old I think it looks bad for Penasco. I say this because, as you well know, if you google Penasco several sites that are moribund crop up. Bad for the tourist business, gives the impression that we are a ghost town !! JMHO
I can say the same thing about this forum. It's ALWAYS been a labor of love on my part; I've personally never seen one thin dime from it. Those that have been around forever remember how hard it was to keep the old forum going near the end. We all have Tyler to thank for stepping up and offering this venue. Any website/forum takes time and effort, even if it doesn't cost a bazillion dollars. Something else to consider is that this forum has always been FREE to members and isn't throwing tons of poo-poo advertising in your face. I belong to other forums that both A) charge a membership fee and B) are owned by corporate entities that load the site with advertising (for non-members).The RPNO was always a labor of love and a project I believed in, so it isn't an idea I'll abandon easily.
I second that!!!!:gradea:I can say the same thing about this forum. It's ALWAYS been a labor of love on my part; I've personally never seen one thin dime from it. Those that have been around forever remember how hard it was to keep the old forum going near the end. We all have Tyler to thank for stepping up and offering this venue. Any website/forum takes time and effort, even if it doesn't cost a bazillion dollars. Something else to consider is that forum has always been FREE to members and isn't throwing tons of poo-poo advertising in your face. I belong to other forums that both A) charge a membership fee and B) are owned by corporate entities that load the site with advertising (for non-members).
We are indeed fortunate to have this venue.
Not something we've even talked about at this point, Kenny, so the little birdie was wrong. Obviously, because of my years of involvement with it, I would consider it, but it's Tyler's baby.Stuart, a little birdie told me you were considering buying this site from Tyler. Is there any truth to that?