HildagoIn what area of Penasco are the car shop and rentals?
Hey Cheddar Bob none of this fancy science stuff please!Keep relying on that reverse osmosis. Especially when the goal posts keep changing regarding water quality. Reverse osmosis is useless when different bacteria is introduced to the water supply. Water on water off air in pipes = airborne bacteria your RO systems are not capable of removing.
Our water is trucked in and we do pretty much the same. I did a home type bacteria test a couple times and both came out negative. Our sediment filter gets full fast though.I have a place in Cholla and find the water good, If I had a RO system I would drink it to.
I run my tank water thru a sediment filter with carbon, I use the water to cook with, like boiling or steaming stuff.
I rinse out my mouth when brushing my teeth with it.
If I haven't refilled my tanks for 4-6 months over a summer I will add a 1/4 teaspoon of shock granules to each tank to remove the sulfur smell from the water and then refill the tanks after spraying everything off from being gone 3-4 months.
We've been doing that for years without any issues
Any cognitive impairment?Weeved yoused the watere wright out from tapp for lonq tyme and it wont hirt yew, but mite mesh up yor toking an splelling
Guaranteed they are!Don't suppose the city is messing with Las Conchas again?