Rocky Point Offroad Race

Why did they shut down?

Was it problems with getting racing fuel across the border? I remember when we had jetski races (endurance races) down there, many of the racers got hassled bringing racing fuel to RP.
rockyptjoe said:
Why did they shut down?

Was it problems with getting racing fuel across the border? I remember when we had jetski races (endurance races) down there, many of the racers got hassled bringing racing fuel to RP.
Getting race fuel was not a problem. We contracted with at race fuel supplier...the same ones that supply the Baja 1000.

The problem was not enough racers...we kept the organization going for 2 years, but never made money.
The "making money" part is a problem with any of these type of events. Before I got out of jetski racing a couple years ago, that was a common thread with the promoters, who weren't able to make ends meet either...unless they could get some heavy duty sponsorship/advertising $$ and get cable tv coverage. The entry fees didn't cover their expenses. I tried to get a promoter to bring another jetski race down to Rocky Point...even had one of the "J's" from JJ's willing to get involved.
We didn't intend to make money...just cover the costs. But when you have sponsers that dont honor their commitments, it makes even a labor of love impossiable.
Jeff said:
I heard some bridges got burned fron owners of the land..... :eek:
Not true at must be talking about the former race promoter in Rocky Point, Whiplash Motorsports. PRO Desert had to spend lots of time and money to rebuild the land owners trust and good will.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Isn't this the same company that does the race in El Golfo? Last years race was very well attended in El Golfo, they actually overran the town.

That's too bad. I do events for the Arizona Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs and understand completely what damage is caused by sponsors pulling out already committed money. It's a big scramble to get it covered when you've already paid it out.
Yes we put on the race in El Golfo. In fact, we had planned a race from San Luis to Rocky Point once the new highway is finished.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Well, let us know if you get the organization back up and running. I would attend another race...They're fun