It's OK, I guess, never went inside. My nephew stays there. I'ts newer and more modern, not fancy, no restaurant, might be a pool there. It's multi story, guess they have an elevator, but....... I'd be concerned abut the BLAST of noise coming from the old Sandbar location across the street. They have a first class sound system that generates some serious , unplesant, sound and the 6 ft tall speakers are aimed right at the hotel. The bass penetrates everything. I lived behind there, moved out because of it. Impossible to sleep till after closing at 3,4, or 5 AM. You would be right next to the new Mens Club though. Not sure about the rates but last I can recall about $50 USD. Sorry not much help there.
The Pitaya is dead now so don't be concerned about the noise there!! I think the upstairs restaurant does breakfast and lunch, not sure. There is a little palapa bar there on the beach side and I think the bar down is open sometimes but no pasa nada.