____ When Villa gave me these #'s he also gave them to 2-other people that were there @ the time, I think that everyone in Cholla has them, ____ I know that a lot of the fishermen in pdo have them also, ____ when I was there in June a friend came to my camp & said hey man I have some more #'s if you want them to add to the list you have, ___ I say pase' los Cabron, ___ so now I have about 77 plus #'s on that original list ____ with names like, ____ W LOBO, B HOLE, WITCHES HAT, NEW CHINO,
V B HOLE, GOLDEN REEF, TORTS, ETC, EVEN ONE FOR BAIT, ____ ALSO THE CABALLOS, THESE WEREN'T GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE, ____ OR THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE APPEARED HERE, ____ I have in my own private list all of the Caballos,____ that were given to me in confidence,____ that don't appear here, ____ however I think that everyone & there mama knows about the Caballos, ____
____ :fish: Y :fish: Y :fish: Y