Reasonable rates for Hotels during Moto Rally?



Hello forum members, newbie here to the forum. I'll be coming down in early November for the bike rally...although this is the 4th time down there, I'm always looking for better places to stay. First time stayed at the El Mirador Hotel, then the Moab, and finally at the Baha Cantina Hotel.
Anyone have any suggestions, contact numbers? Looking for something inexpensive since the wife and I rarely stay in the room during the bike rallys and just need a good place to sleep and clean up. Any advice, recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
By the way we are coming down from El Paso, TX and really love it down in there in Puerto Penansco.
Try the Playa Inn... we have a contract with them for our bus tours and can get you a good rate if they aren't already booked up...


Lovin it in RP!
There is also the Elegante with the Icehouse attached as well as the Mirador beach front in the Mirador area next to Playa de Oro RV, but yeah I like Playa Inn as well look here Nile Guide for a partial yet very up to date listing with contact information
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Any contact info on the Playa Inn, Seadweller? Would like to see if they are booked yet.


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Couldn't access PM because there is a restriction by administrator on new members with less than 5 posted messages???
The phone number for Playa Inn is 011-52-638-383-5015... or you can send me an email with your contact info and my wife Barb can get the info for you and also book your room for you... (click on the SeaMail link below)


You might want to try Hotel Perla Del Mar. They are on the Corner of Chihuahua and Mier de Teran (5th St.) - From the US: 011-52-638-383-1333. They aren't real fancy, but they have a bed, toilet and shower and daily housekeeping. They're just up a couple blocks from Manny's and the beach.