Daily Kos: Teen Challenge: Coercive groups disguised as rehab I'm glad it worked for your Grandson but watch them..
On a side note I knew a Jack Mormon kid that went because it was that or jail and he was told Mormonism was the devils religion...they also have a TeenChallenge Bible and take away your King James Bible ....but hey a boot camp is what some people need....
Jerry, thanks for the info from the Daily Kos. I particularly liked the un-named sources used. Well, here is my name, Jack Hecker and here's my experience with Teen Challenge.
Teen Challenge is a national program. I don't know how all of them are run, but I can vouch for the Tucson, New River branches. I also have experience with the Cincinnatti one.
First the Cincinnatti branch. That is run by a George Martin and my experience is that it appears to be a rehab joint for rich kids from the Proctor & Gamble ilk. One of our family went there
for alchohol rehab and was told he could go on an overnight pass after two weeks and the day he was told by his wife she was taking the kid and leaving. You can guess what happened. By the way he's now
out here and doing quite well in the second month of induction. When asked how he could do that, Mr. Martin replied that he was not running a rehab center he was trying to develop followers.
As far as the Tucson branch is concerned, I cannot vouch for the Mormonism comment, but I will look into it. Kris has used the Bible I gave him from day one. Yes they do have their own Bible,
but Kris was always allowed to use his. Is it like a boot camp? Yes it is, you bet. And Jerry, you are absolutely right, some people do need a boot camp. I did sixteen weeks for the good old USA
and look how well I turned out.

It wasn't fun, but to this day, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. What does one learn in boot camp, disciipline. What does it take to break addiction?
Discipline. It works for many, not all. I have seen kids from there rather go to jail than go through the program. I have also seen some with multiple felonies come out the other side and become productive
Wouldn't it be great if there were a majic wand you could wave and cure everyone. There isn't, but this has worked for many.
As far as the Daily Kos, are you kidding me? I could have sworn you would have used the Glenn Beck Journal!!!! :jerry2: