I still have not heard a good explanation for this hire...
"Construction great Vision (GRAVI), the company of Luis Cano Raymundo, who was assigned the work of construction of the breakwater of the Homeport of Puerto Peñasco (Sonora), been used for the award of subcontracts of the work to an ex-narcotraficante that is now being investigated by the PGR for money laundering.
Alfredo Vergara
Alfredo Vergara Álvarez, a drug trafficker who served a sentence of five years in the United States for cocaine trafficking, now has been responsible for the award of subcontracts in the company of Luis Cano. Well-informed sources have confirmed the PGR investigates him for money laundering, with a record in the town of Sonoita, whereby we have your inquiry number.
Luis Cano
Among people in the city of Puerto Peñasco, nobody understands the presence of this ex-delincuente in sensitive function, except that you are representing the interests of third parties involved, which move in the underworld, and serve as a link for any collection.
The architect Luis Raymundo Cano is back, so close to an inquiry of the PGR."