Progressive Insurance


You rang?? I'm trying to figure out whether you're referring to Mexico or US insurance on a private road. I just called one of our adjusters and he said insurance is valid on any road, private or public, in Mexico.
Thanks Rosy...I was referring to American insurance.The rental agencies in Hawaii10 years or so ago did not cover you on dirt roads.

AZ Miguel

Progressive says they require that you carry Liability in Mexico from a Mexican company. I am wondering if a drivers license policy is adequate. Gotta check on that one.
Yes it is, That's how I do it with Progressive and have for the last 10 years. This is the most cost effective way with the assurance of an American backed company that is held to a standard. I have not filed a claim with them but they are a rated insurance company unlike The General. Many of the forum members from that go SOB also use Progressive
Progressive says they require that you carry Liability in Mexico from a Mexican company. I am wondering if a drivers license policy is adequate. Gotta check on that one.
According to US law only an American company can sell US insurance to American-registered vehicles. Likewise, Mexican law requires that liability be provided to foreign vehicles by a Mexican company. When someone buys their Mx insurance in the States, it is actually underwritten by a Mexican company. The driver's license policies do meet the legal requirement and are valid proof of insurance in Mexico. Hope this helps.

P.S. Everyone should know by now that $50k in coverage is no longer enough. If a death occurs and the other driver is found to be negligent, $300k is what they should be carrying in coverage. All policies purchased from ProAlliance prior to the change on Feb 4, 2013 were automatically raised to that amount without additional cost.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I guess this is a good time to show my face around here again. I'd gotten a little burnt out on RPT and have been away and only casually viewing the forum from time to time. Back in June for Circus Mexicus I had my first accident in Mexico and it was my fault. I was in a hurry and late for fishing on my way to Cholla Bay Friday of that weekend and the traffic was horrible. Tried passing an RV just west of Esmerelda right after the road turns to dirt heading west towards CB. I went up into the sand to the right to pass, the sand grabbed my truck like it has never done and it jerked me back to the left into the RV that I was trying to pass. I had insurance through a friends company AMMEX Insurance, whom Rosy might know. We didnt get an accident report at the scene as both myself and the family that I hit were in a hurry. It was only a minor hassle to contact the insurance company for an adjustment and I did have to speak a fair amount of Spanish on the phone but aside from that it went rather smoothly. The adjuster came to RP from San Luis RC on Sunday morning, arriving at the Reef RV park around 11am. Filled out some simple paperwork, the adjuster took pictures of the damage on both vehicles and that was about it. The accident was my fault and I had a $500 deductible on my policy. Instructed to receive two estimates from anywhere of my choosing in Phoenix and email the quotes back to the adjuster. The $500 deductible came straight out of the estimate and I received in a wire transfer to my bank account $3,200 only a mear two weeks after the accident. All in all, I was very pleased with the outcome and timely fashion this was resolved. I can only hope it went as smooth for the person that I hit because I would feel bad otherwise as this was my fault. I did mention the forum and the incredible amount of information that can be found at If said person reads the forum hopefully everything went well for you and once again I apologize. In the end, the only out of pocket expense was the $50 policy purchased online. The best $50 I've ever spent in my life without a doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AMMEX Insurance | Great rates on Mexican insurance for homes, auto, cars, trucks, SUV's, motorcycles, RV's and boats

Cholla Bay 4 Life