It's good to see you don't mind sharing your "feminine side" with us Joe, not every one would.was feeding my dog, cooking up some italian sausage, and chatting with someone on know, multi-tasking!
No actually it doesn't. If it's all about safety there Joe, what we should really do is lock up people who drive and are above the age of 70. You live in Youngtown; I could get my BAC to .12 and drive more safely than a random sample of your neighbors. In order to reduce my mental level to your crowd out there, I would probably have to down a fifth of vodka after that. At that point, we might actually be driving on par.I don't believe the AZ law calls it drunk's all driving under the influence....just making a distinction with being impaired or having a BAC over .08%....
and yes, you should be nailed for either.....whether it's some prescription meds, or if it's just 1 drink or a teaspoon of cough syrup, if you are impaired. I know people that are completely tipsy from just one drink....and with 2-3 drinks, they are falling down. If you're going to get into a vehicle, it's your responsibility to know how something will affect you if you take it.
The law protects my rights, my kids rights, and any other driver's rights of not getting killed by you driving under the influence! And yes, I have driven under the influence.....many years ago...and I have become "enlightened"!
Hey your posting, are you in a blackout again?
You must have been living out of the country for a while there....Youngtown is no longer old "farts" ville!!! I think you might have a problem with that random sample and you driving with a .12 BAC..... As for people over 70 driving...they should be tested......actually, most of the people driving in AZ need to be tested (in a REAL road test) every three years, the way they drive here! I'd match up my driving skills and abilities with most 21 year olds....No actually it doesn't. If it's all about safety there Joe, what we should really do is lock up people who drive and are above the age of 70. You live in Youngtown; I could get my BAC to .12 and drive more safely than a random sample of your neighbors. In order to reduce my mental level to your crowd out there, I would probably have to down a fifth of vodka after that. At that point, we might actually be driving on par.
If you think that someone should be put through the system because they had a glass of wine, then there really is no reasoning with you because that's just a position without any reason.
But Joe let me ask you this: if we could save just one life by lowering the speed limit, would you be for it? What if we could save hundreds of lives? Would you be for it? We're talking hundreds or maybe thousands of lives here.
Ha ha...As if what, that you'd be like your old self and cuse me out.Kenny you don't want to start with me, i won't be as kind as who you are going after tonight!
DMAC I pose this question to you if your house is broken into while you are away if your automobile is broken into while you are in wal mart if you are in your home watching television and a stone enters thru the window if you and your family are sound asleep at 3:00 am and some one is beating on your entrance door you rise with firearm in one hand and a pouch of drugs in the other hand only to find that there is no one there they have left the scene but you find a ax or two be honest now who are you going to call the drug cartel or the as you and others here refer to as the pigs
This reminds me of Alice's Restaurant. Come to think of it, this whole a little Alice's Restaurant.I was thrown in a US jail for having 4 pieces of trash in my truck. On the bright side, I'm a jewel tone, so orange makes my eyes radiant.
You better look out Playa...he may be going after Agnes, your favorite Siver Cougar.Kenny you don't want to start with me, i won't be as kind as who you are going after tonight!
Truth be told, it does not matter why you want to run other people's lives, the fact that you feel empowered to do so indicates a serious lack of ethics to your thinking.Joe you know ignorance is bliss. There is no point even talking to him, he doesnt have a clue. DMAC by the way I don't even go to church so your theory about me being a bible thumper is wrong.:fishslap:
I'm surprised you could understand that run-on sentence from Silvia. I'm still trying to figure out "you find a ax or two be honest now". I think the only reason I would ever call the pigs is if Silvia showed up at the door with a white board and erasable marker.I've been there Silva,,the pigs don't show up because they are trying to hit on some topless dancer who's Mustang was broken into at Ten's parking lot and well first things first..So I grab my sawed off baseball bat and hit him in the elbow...damn wish he would have dropped the bag of drugs as he ran off.
The point is that it does not matter if the glass of wine impairs you, you can still be charged with DUI. Down here there was a case where a gal who was the designated driver, started driving out of a parking lot in downtown Tempe and was pulled over by the pigs because she forgot to turn her lights on. The pig charges her with DUI, and in his report states, despite the fact she told the pig she was the designated driver, she smelled of alcohol, had watery eyes and trouble standing. The charges eventually got dropped because when her bloodwork came back, she had a BAC of 0.00. She was not lying, she had had nothing to drink that night. Now if she had had one half of a drink and her bloodwork came back 0.01 she would have had a DUI on her record.You can do all the macho chest thumping that you want.....but if you're impaired....stay off the damn road, or pay the consequence! That's the distinction.....driving impaired, not having a glass of wine! And if having a glass of wine impairs you....either don't have the glass of wine or don't drive! Doing otherwise means there is no reasoning with you!