ProAlliance Insurance

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For those who purchased in prior years (ex. 2013-2014) and found out they had no coverage, is the agent reimbursing your previous payment?
For those who had made up policies, what was the reason given by the insurance agent?

Here is the email conversation I had with Rosie this afternoon I have her ok to post it. Start reading the post from 3:38 pm and work up to the 6:16 post.
Just to clarify I did not get a free policy for 21014/2015. I paid my policy in July and this was my money that paid for the ACE replacement policy.
When Rosie called it a free policy to me on Monday , I corrected her and she agreed that it was not free, I had paid almost $600 in July.
October 16,2014, at 6:32pm Rosie Glover were going to regardless. since when does it matter whether i mind?

Sent from my iPhone with best regards

> On Oct 16,2014,at 6:16
> Ok then you won't mind if I share this decision of yours on the forum
> Sent from my iPhone


>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 5:00 PM, Rosie Glover <> wrote:
>> Look, Roseanne. Right now I'm feeling browbeaten and pressured.
>> Before I can even address previous years I'll have to complete what
>> we're doing on the ones that should be in effect right now. I'm doing
>> all that I can and I have to prioritize. I'm sorry this has affected
>> you, but at this time I will not be addressing previous years.
>> Rosie Glover
> "Because service makes all the difference"
>> US Office: 602.773.1031
>> MX Office: 638.388.6624
>> US Cell: 602.512.1601
>> MX Cell: 638.386.9081





>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Rosanne
>> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 4:38 PM
>> To: Rosie Glover
>> Subject: Re: Homeowners insurance in RP
>> I am not brow beating I told you the amount and policy number and
>> that I was in town Saturday and would pick it up.
>> Sent from my iPad


>>>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Rosie Glover
>>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Roseanne, I won't be browbeaten. I am withdrawing my offer.
>>> Rosie Glover
>>> "Because service makes all the difference"
>>> US Office: 602.773.1031
>>> MX Office: 638.388.6624
>>> US Cell: 602.512.1601
>>> MX Cell: 638.386.9081


>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Rosanne
>> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 4:32 PM
>>> To: Rosie Glover
>> Subject: Re: Homeowners insurance in RP
>>> It was $568.48. FYI stated policy number was 3101300010867. I will
>>> be in town this weekend and will pick up the check Saturday morning.
>>> Thank you
>>> Sent from my iPad

>>>>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 4:17 PM, Rosie Glover

>>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not in the office. When I have the amount I will issue a check.
>>>> Please let us know where you'd like me to send it.
>>>> Rosie Glover
>>> "Because service makes all the difference"
>>>> US Office: 602.773.1031
>>>> MX Office: 638.388.6624
>>>> US Cell: 602.512.1601
>>>> MX Cell: 638.386.9081

>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Rosanne
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 4:14 PM
>>>> To: Rosie Glover
>>>> Subject: Re: Homeowners insurance in RP
>>>> I don't except that rationale I placed my trust in your
>>>> organization and now you are throwing the responsibility toward
>>>> someone else
>>>> Sent from my iPhone


>>>>>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 3:38 PM, Rosie Glover
>>>>>> <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Roseanne,
>>>>> Unfortunately I cannot address previous years. At that time we
>>>>> were working with Ing. Luis Zapien in Chihuahua and he has since
>>>>> passed away, so there isn't even a way to get an accurate account
>>>>> of what occurred with money deposited. Our deposits when we worked
>>>>> with Luis were made directly to him via bank transfer from one
>>>>> Wells Fargo account to another. All I have is proof of those bank
>>>>> transfers. The reality is that until Mapfre updates their
>>>>> operation system, this will continue to occur. This is precisely
>>>>> why I feel much more comfortable moving forward with ACE. Their
>>>>> system is set up in such a way that this
>>>> would be impossible.
>>>>> I'm sorry it isn't better news.
>>>>> Rosie Glover
>>>>> "Because service makes all the difference"
>>>>> US Office: 602.773.1031
>>>>> MX Office: 638.388.6624
>>>>> US Cell: 602.512.1601
>>>>> MX Cell: 638.386.9081


dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Unbelievable! Let's see how many support such an answer. how quickly some vouche for others purely on emotion.
Dry Heat, I stand by my decision. I'm up to my eyeballs in an audit and trying to make things right for our clients. In previous years the entire process was handled differently. I need to explore that to see what happened. I was about to issue a check just to get the problem out of my hair, but thought better of it when I realized I was being pressured. For the time being I will be focused on those policies affected in the current year. You and Fat Boy have this Danie person accusing me of FALSE policies in previous years. This is nuts. I'd rather fight than pay what I don't owe. I will be paying legitimate policies for as many as I owe for the current year. The end for now. I am really bothered by those of you who issue veiled threats of "what the others on the forum will think" of me. Haven't you figured out that I've ALWAYS spoken my mind and made my own decisions? I have my own compass, and probably the most predictable thing about me is that when pushed, I don't budge.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
You know very well that bogus policies were issued. You know very well that policies cancelled for 2013-2014 terms. You collected premium and now you are only paying current terms? You have blamed everyone from the carrier to clients to forum members to a rep who died to a resort that found out and called you out on it. Your reply on the previous email thread if accurate is sad and no were near being pressured. You are full of excuses for an issue that is looking really bad (even for you staunch supporters). Your business practice is not looking good to members who have trusted you to do the right thing.
When is the rumble behind Guau Guau's scheduled, that would be more interesting this.
DH, your not even a PA customer, I bet that is what irk's most people following this cluster.
Let nature take it's course, and those who have issues will be made right or not.


It's nice to see we have not been ostracized from this blog for asking questions about what actually has occurred recently, and now apparently going back some years.

Let's all just back off from emotions and personal affiliations, and consider how we would deal with this situation in Colorado, or TX, or AZ, or NM.

The facts that have not been disputed:

1. in many cases homeowners paid their money to Mrs Glover to buy insurance, mostly for fire, hurricane or other devasting loss that would reduce our Mexican assets to garbage value

2. in many cases the money we paid Mrs Glover never left her account. She did not send any bmoney to the Insurer on our policy. She kept our money for her own personal use. The insurance policies she told us, to our faces, that we we had, were cancelled by the Insurer because Mrs Glover kept our money for her own use. She never told us she had received a notice fron the insurer our policy was cancelled for non payment. We were never told we never had ONE CENT of insurance.

3. in many other cases, we paid Mrs Glover whatever she asked for our coverage. But, her office created fake policies to make it harder for trusting folks to find out the money we paid her went into her personal account and never went to any Insurer. She never told anyone, going back more than 24 months, that some rogue in her office was working overtime to create fake policies. Since then she refuses to tell us who is the criminal in her office. On all these files, the actual insurance company did not cancel our policies, because they never existed from the start !

Mrs Glover: please tell us where we have any of this wrong. We REALLY hope to apologize for any suggestions on this blog you might have been involved in any of these activities.
Let's all just back off from emotions and personal affiliations, and consider how we would deal with this situation in Colorado, or TX, or AZ, or NM.

-This is non of the above

The facts that have not been disputed:

1. in many cases homeowners paid their money to Mrs Glover to buy insurance, mostly for fire, hurricane or other devasting loss that would reduce our Mexican assets to garbage value

- Absolutely disputed. While I agree that 1 is too many, your use of the word makes it obvious you're trying to inflate the impact.


- Mapfre doesn't cover hurricane damage for beachfront property

- All but 2 of the 21 policies were for condos, and everyone in a Sandy Beach condo had better hope your Master Policy with Royal Sun & Alliance has been paid by your HOA. Oh, never mind...of course it's been paid, right? Las Palomas wouldn't deceive you, would they?

- Even if your Master Policy is in place, there is a huge deductible (1% the total insured sum, which in a multi-million dollar building can be lots and lots of money) and most HOAs don't have the funds to cover the deductible.

- Extreme damage to the common areas are more likely to convert your Mexican assets to "garbage value". Broken plumbing or kitchen fire damage are nothing anyone would want, but they're reparable. I think the biggest issue I have with you is your penchant for GROSS EXAGGERATION.

- By the way, property values are also negatively affected by employees who rob renters at the resorts.

2. in many cases the money we paid Mrs Glover never left her account. She did not send any bmoney to the Insurer on our policy. She kept our money for her own personal use. The insurance policies she told us, to our faces, that we we had, were cancelled by the Insurer because Mrs Glover kept our money for her own use. She never told us she had received a notice fron the insurer our policy was cancelled for non payment. We were never told we never had ONE CENT of insurance.

- First of all, YOU never paid me ONE CENT. We've established that you have never been a client of mine.

3. in many other cases, we paid Mrs Glover whatever she asked for our coverage. But, her office created fake policies to make it harder for trusting folks to find out the money we paid her went into her personal account and never went to any Insurer. She never told anyone, going back more than 24 months, that some rogue in her office was working overtime to create fake policies. Since then she refuses to tell us who is the criminal in her office. On all these files, the actual insurance company did not cancel our policies, because they never existed from the start !

- Okay, for argument's sake, let's just say I'm sheltering a Mexican criminal from your lynch mob...what would you do with him/her if given the opportunity? What is truly behind your taste for blood?

Mrs Glover: please tell us where we have any of this wrong. We REALLY hope to apologize for any suggestions on this blog you might have been involved in any of these activities.

-Okay, I'll tell're wrong. Very, very wrong, but people like you don't usually let go once you think you're onto something, so I'll let you play this out. I will point out, though, that in item #2 you accuse me of keeping money for my own use and in this last paragraph you apologize for suggesting I was involved in "any of these activities". Maybe you could go back to your group and tell them I've requested they send in someone smarter, or at least wittier than you. You're boring.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
You made a few statements that are disturbing. Insurance is about covering the unknown risk. You mentioned all the occasions when a regular policy or an HOA policy would not cover, you even talk about the corruption of others. None of this matters when it comes to the risk you were supposed to have covered. Would a company with a $5 million dollar liability coverage not need it because it hardly ever happens? Would a condo that has a $100,0000 liability policy not need it because it hardly every happens? Insurance is about covering the potential risk of something happening. Your focus seems to be on excuses on what is not covered rather than the risk they assumed they had covered.

Now you have 1 client on here (out of who knows how many... the numbers seem to go up), asking for a refund on a policy that was not provided last year. Yet, you seem to come up with excuses with how you will not pay it because the client is browbeating you???? What kind of a business uses that excuses when they know they are in the wrong (collected money for no services provided). Are you worried that many will start to call on previous years? I am actually shocked that you are taking this approach. These checks were made out to YOU and you deposited them into YOUR bank account.

Let's not forget the bogus policies also fabricated by your office. How is that an omission or error?
I want to clarify one thing. In my email conversation above with Rosie I did not ask for a refund she offered it and resconces it in less than three minutes. I wanted recognization and acknowledgement of the problem in her office extending further than current policies


Dry heat you did a service to all of us by bringing this up and providing us with the contact information, thank you.

But you do a disservice to yourself and to us who do have or had policies with ProAlliance by demanding answers and asking the same questions over and over. Let us who actually have money invested ask the questions and get the answers that we need. First I am suspect of what took place but with my past history with ProAlliance and Rosy Glover I believe she deserves the opportunity and some breathing room to find out exactly what took place. She then can explain to us, her customers what took place. Second I know of no one that lost anything, we were “at risk” but that is subjective. For example if I had a claim for damages in my unit and I/we discovered the policy was cancelled would ProAlliance have coved those expenses, I believe they would. So with me I paid my premium last November and had no claims, this week I received a new policy for 1 year so I actually saved about $230.00. All of this doesn’t lessen the fact that I/we paid money to reduce our risk and then discovered we didn’t have it.

Just to keep the facts straight I had a legitimate policy, it was not bogus or made up numbers. It was issued and then cancelled by Mapfre because they “say” they did not receive payment.
There must be a Mole in Rosie's office for all that privileged inside information to get to the dual perp's known
as DH and DanieTTT. (Maybe Alejandro P. (who I like and respect) is behind this)??;)
Rosie, time to call in a CSI team to root out the Mole, this would be a riveting plot for one of the many shows
that are aired.:rolleyes:

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Resort owners talk, forum members talk.Many have called in to the carrier and found out the status of their policy. Not much insider info. Its all out there. I understand some wish this was hidden or kept quiet. However, many have no way of knowing the status of their insurance unless they read these forums or read social media.


Resort owners talk, forum members talk.Many have called in to the carrier and found out the status of their policy. Not much insider info. Its all out there. I understand some wish this was hidden or kept quiet. However, many have no way of knowing the status of their insurance unless they read these forums or read social media.
I agree with you 100% and thank you again for bringing it to our attention.
But trying to defend yourself on a public internet forum is difficult to do especially when any accusation can be made. I have seen you experience this yourself on this forum many times. She admitted there was a problem, accepted responsibility and has asked us to give her some time before she has the facts of exactly what happened, what is wrong with that? Most of us who have done business with her in the past are willing to do that. I’m not giving her a pass or putting my head in the sand I’m just giving her some time to get the facts.
I would like to hear from people that have policies and are dealing with ProAlliance.


I agree with you 100% and thank you again for bringing it to our attention.
But trying to defend yourself on a public internet forum is difficult to do especially when any accusation can be made. I have seen you experience this yourself on this forum many times. She admitted there was a problem, accepted responsibility and has asked us to give her some time before she has the facts of exactly what happened, what is wrong with that? Most of us who have done business with her in the past are willing to do that. I’m not giving her a pass or putting my head in the sand I’m just giving her some time to get the facts.
I would like to hear from people that have policies and are dealing with ProAlliance.
I agree completely.

I have bought insurance from Rosie for a few years now. Have always gotten great service. Having her cell phone helped us in a precarious situation when our tire blew and we needed help. I don't speak a lick of spanish and she called someone out to help us. She doesn't know me from Adam, but she helped me anyways. And, I didn't even tell her at the time that I was a customer.

AZ-Dan said it correctly. Give some time for a business owner who has had a pretty impeccable reputation, to do the "audit" and get some answers. Was there a clerical error, was an employee embezzling funds ? (wouldn't be the first time. ask some of our restaurant friends about their chef's stealing money and having to be caught on hidden cameras to prove their guilt). Who knows??

But, what doesn't make sense is a women who has built her life and reputation on good business practices, throwing it all away. Could it have happened?? Sure. Did it happen, probably not and there are probabley other answers. Let the vetting process work it's course.

For Dry Heat: Dude, get a life. Nice of you to have jumped into the fray, but if you are really a lawyer, it doesn't seem you have much business if you can spend half your work week on this forum playing Perry Mason or Matlock.

For Rosie: I don't believe you are doing yourself any good, answering questions from ANYONE other than your customers. I get you are frustrated, but some of your comments start to show your disdain for this process, and I don't think it looks good.

I'm not an attorney, but that advice and opinion is as good as any you would pay for !

Did I mention though that I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night ?? ;)


I want to clarify one thing. In my email conversation above with Rosie I did not ask for a refund she offered it and resconces it in less than three minutes. I wanted recognization and acknowledgement of the problem in her office extending further than current policies
And trust me, you got it.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
For Dry Heat: Dude, get a life. Nice of you to have jumped into the fray, but if you are really a lawyer, it doesn't seem you have much business if you can spend half your work week on this forum playing Perry Mason or Matlock.
I see your level of concern for those who had no insurance on their properties even though they paid for it.
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