Your waxing on about hijacking was quite an impressive hijack in itself.That insurance company has already provided info & responses on the mainstream RP sites. Few people come to this forum anymore for info / updates on anything.
Heres a little heads up.....The reason there is not a word on here is because "here" is an obsolete irrelevant forum w/ few visitors w/ less & less visitors every week. There is too many quality RP forums , RP websites, RP news sites etc that people now go to for good unbiased info on Rocky Point like Rocky Point 360, Facebook Rocky Point & RP News Online FB, large scale email news lists, etc etc..
As you all know this forum was hijacked years ago by a few bozos that stalk this forum 24/7 bashing RP & turn off all new visitors. I used to go to this forum a couple times a week & now maybe twice a year. Again this forum is obsolete that has apx 6 regular people that post 99.9% of the posts. If your looking for good fast up to date info on RP without all the weird stress cases stalking the site hi jacking posts, trying to get you to argue w/ them you need to go to the other RP websites mentioned above..... I now pop on here twice a year just to get a good laugh at the same nut cases bashing RP anyway they can....I told you years ago that if you kept it up your audience would disappear on this website......So good luck to the 6 or 8 people who go to this website.....
Presumably you have access to the forums servers to somehow prove this? Did you install the analytics code yourself?The reason there is not a word on here is because "here" is an obsolete irrelevant forum w/ few visitors w/ less & less visitors every week.
That insurance company has already provided info & responses on the mainstream RP sites. Few people come to this forum anymore for info / updates on anything.]
Other quality Rocky Point Forums are pretty scarce without any recent updates. Most FB sites on RP are a cluster f#@* of information/misinformation.
Most of the other "quality sites" you referred to are pretty poor and have much less info (other than the ad's) than here at RPT.
Rocky Point Talk is still the place to go for info, local members seem to have a good ear for things that are going on in Penasco.
True this forum isn't as popular as it was, it can get silly at times and there are some people who try to dominate threads.
(but the cooler weather will bring many absent members back to this forum).
Also true is that threads can get hijacked faster than a 4x4 truck parked on the Coastal highway at night.
True, there are some people who could be happier with their lives, But there are also many people who just love life and contribute regularly.
Until something else better comes along, this is my #1 stop for anything Rocky Point, (RP Times also keeps me informed on upcoming events).
I doubt another forum could get this popular, because the lure of advertising $$ would cause it to fail.
The Creators and Administrators of this Forum have done a very good job in keeping it under control and have kept this forum performing
at a very high level. (This forum is a labor of love) Thanks, Tyler, Stuart and the others who keep this going.
Can't wait to see RockyPointBeachBum's post #8.![]()
True, but it was a sort of fly-to-fly-swatter attention.The talent that trolls have is the ability to hook forum members into paying attention to them... looks like it worked.
Was Patty there?We Renewed our policy back in June. After reading this thread I checked and my policy was never emailed to me. Went into the office the other day to find out the policy was never renewed. We had the reciept for the payment and they started a new policy with a different company. They said they are switching everyone to a new company.
We have a home in Town so it has nothing to do with the condo's but I would suggest people check and make sure they have a policy.
Yes....She is always the person we deal withWas Patty there?
Did you have a lapse in your coverage?We Renewed our policy back in June. After reading this thread I checked and my policy was never emailed to me. Went into the office the other day to find out the policy was never renewed. We had the reciept for the payment and they started a new policy with a different company. They said they are switching everyone to a new company.
We have a home in Town so it has nothing to do with the condo's but I would suggest people check and make sure they have a policy.
That's the first thing I noticed before I replied JerryI like it when the real estate hustlers get all butt hurt! Note the two people that "liked" his post appear to be sock puppets....
I agree, totally strange. It would be helpful to know the reason why they are switching everyone to a new company.Something is not right with the whole situation. It feels like something is missing.
Yes there was a lapse. They started the new policy on Monday so I don't know what they would have done if I had made a claim before that. I had a reciept saying I paid but that is all,we originally paid in cash.Did you have a lapse in your coverage?