Immigration laws also serve to protect the public health, but only if enforced. Tuberculosis has recently raised its ugly head in the United States. It has appeared in communities heavily populated by illegal aliens. The news is full of the measles comback with only 131 cases reported nationally, but virtually silent about the much more serious disease, tuberculosis.
What is alarming is that our public health officials have not yet reacted to this serious threat to the public health. Children are not screened for tuberculosis in medical examinations required for admission to public schools because previous to being invaded by un-screened illegal aliens there was never a need to do so. There was virtually no tuberculosis in our society. Now we are threatened by its spread by the disease being present and undetected in children of illegal immigrants attending our public schools. Compounding this health threat is the fact that many illegal aliens work in the food processing and service industries.
All immigrants entering our country LEGALLY are required to have a medical examination as a part of the process. Screening for tuberculosis is a part of the medical exam. Those testing positive for tuberculosis are denied admission.
Many illegal aliens come from impoverished regions were communical diseases are prevalent. It's not the region that communicates the disease, it's the infected population. That's why one requires vaccinations, not required in the U.S., when one visits these places.
One reason for the prevalence of tuberculosis in Latin American countries is the way they deal with infected livestock. In the U.S., if one cow is discovered with tuberculosis, the entire herd is destroyed. In Mexico, only the infected animal is destroyed, leaving the rest of te herd either infected, or potential carriers. Milk from infected cattle is the primary mode of transmission to human beings. In Mexico, vaccination for tuberculosis is routine because of the incidence of the disease. However, many illegal immigrants come from the lowest levels of society lacking any type of immunization. These are not the people we want in the U.S. That is what our immigration laws are all about.
Bleeding Hearts - Get out of your dream world and wake up to reality! I agree, the first priority should be to round up and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes. According to government figures there are about 500,000 in this category. Set up a system to track the entry and exit of all aliens who enter the U.S. with a visa. Approximately 40% of the illegal aliens from Mexico have overstayed their visas. Building an expensive, ugly wall will not address this hole in the system. Vigorously enforce the federal laws against those businesses who hire illegal aliens. Deny federal funds to states that issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens. It's absurd that a few states still issue driver's licenses to illegals, while the majority require proof of legal residence...
What is alarming is that our public health officials have not yet reacted to this serious threat to the public health. Children are not screened for tuberculosis in medical examinations required for admission to public schools because previous to being invaded by un-screened illegal aliens there was never a need to do so. There was virtually no tuberculosis in our society. Now we are threatened by its spread by the disease being present and undetected in children of illegal immigrants attending our public schools. Compounding this health threat is the fact that many illegal aliens work in the food processing and service industries.
All immigrants entering our country LEGALLY are required to have a medical examination as a part of the process. Screening for tuberculosis is a part of the medical exam. Those testing positive for tuberculosis are denied admission.
Many illegal aliens come from impoverished regions were communical diseases are prevalent. It's not the region that communicates the disease, it's the infected population. That's why one requires vaccinations, not required in the U.S., when one visits these places.
One reason for the prevalence of tuberculosis in Latin American countries is the way they deal with infected livestock. In the U.S., if one cow is discovered with tuberculosis, the entire herd is destroyed. In Mexico, only the infected animal is destroyed, leaving the rest of te herd either infected, or potential carriers. Milk from infected cattle is the primary mode of transmission to human beings. In Mexico, vaccination for tuberculosis is routine because of the incidence of the disease. However, many illegal immigrants come from the lowest levels of society lacking any type of immunization. These are not the people we want in the U.S. That is what our immigration laws are all about.
Bleeding Hearts - Get out of your dream world and wake up to reality! I agree, the first priority should be to round up and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes. According to government figures there are about 500,000 in this category. Set up a system to track the entry and exit of all aliens who enter the U.S. with a visa. Approximately 40% of the illegal aliens from Mexico have overstayed their visas. Building an expensive, ugly wall will not address this hole in the system. Vigorously enforce the federal laws against those businesses who hire illegal aliens. Deny federal funds to states that issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens. It's absurd that a few states still issue driver's licenses to illegals, while the majority require proof of legal residence...