To the people that are reporting there aren't military checkpoints on Mexico 8 from Sonoyta to RP, you guys must have the worst reading comprehension ever. Kenny's buddy was saying there was a military checkpoint in the Calle Trece region of RP near the Penasco Del Sol and Pinicate Condos, not on the highway. He never once mentioned checkpoints on the way to RP from Sonoyta.[/QUThere OTE]
Mexico Joe, I was the first one saying that Kenny's friends said ..... and that there where not checkpoints and let me tell you that you are confused and your reading comprehention is also as bad as you say others are, here is in the same words of kenny's friend again to refresh your memory a little bit:
"You can pass this on if you wish. There is a HUGE Federal Military stop in full operation as I write, 6/21/10 Noonish, close to the entrance to the Pinacate. Fully armed and uniformed military as reported, not Federal or local police. All vehicles are being stopped, people are required to exit the vehicle and it is carefully inspected.
I just drove up Calle 13 and was passed by a convoy of no less than 15 PP Police cars heading down toward the Hotel del Sol and Pinacate Condos. Lights no sirens. Could not see where or if they stopped. I'm heading down there now to see what I can see.
So as you can see there was no wrong reading comprehention by any of the 2 or 3 people that mention the same thing after reading Kennys post and further more the Pinacate condos are located at the dead end of the street where Penasco del Sol is located make it rediculous to have a worthless checkpoint there for the owners of the pinacate condos only!! am sorry but, the facts baby!!