Paying Taxes

This is our first year in PP and we need to pay our taxes! We do not know exactly where to go and we do not know what documents we should have with us. Any help??? Thanks.

El Gato

Go to City Hall - as you face the entrance the door to your right is where you pay your taxes. You should have your tax bill. I paid by a Bancomer check - I might have been able to pay with a US check but I wasn't sure and I think they indicated a 10 day hold on it? Last year I paid by credit card but they indicated they couldn't do that. Not sure if that referred to just today for some reason or if it was a new rule. Cash is always easy but I never have cash with me.

It was very easy - I just handed them the tax bill, received a 15% reduction since I was paying the full amount in January, they told me how much I owed. The check was written and I received a receipt and was out of there. This year no line so it took me less then ten minutes.

They were all very nice and helpful.
Um...what tax bill? That seems to be the beginning of my problem, huh? Hoping someone answers this part of the question!! Yikes!!

Terry C

You have to go they to pick up your tax bill. We took a copy of our bank trust in the first time and all the other info we had to get it set up. They are suppose to do the transfer on close of escrow to the city. Of course that didnt happen.

The next time you go to pay, take your last years bill and just hand it to them, They can check it by the roll number.

It's on the South West corner of Blvd Fremont and Blvd Benito Juarez.
Has anyone noticed how much the taxes went up this year. Last years doubled for my property in Cholla. For 10+ years it has always been pretty stable, up or down less than 10% from year to year. Last year was a shocker!!

Terry C

Last year I was told by the city that they were updating property values. The comment he made was not to bad a tax for beach front is it????

Some places went up by 50% plus. You had a chance to have it reviewed by the city last year.

El Gato

City offers incentives to boost property tax payments (Jan. 2 – March 31)...

City offers incentives to boost property tax payments (Jan. 2 – March 31) | Rocky Point 360

We received a 15% discount for paying in January. Understand it goes down to 10% if paid in Feb. and 5% if paid in March. Last year we went in towards end of January and had a long line, although they went quickly. Behind us was a lady with a large folder of tax bills to pay - which I figure took a lot longer then the people in front of us :)
Just came from paying our taxes. What a pleasure! Everyone was lovely, taxes were 1/3 what we had expected and it took about 15 minutes. Wow!!!


Last year our taxes originally went up by 600%!! We were able to negotiate them down- we haven't paid this year's so we'll see.


Looks like the only discount offered this year is 10% if paid by the end of March. Can anyone confirm that?
Muni Tax Services has moved, it is 2-3 blocks north and 1 block east of City Hall. They have a number system just like the DMV, Lovely.