If you check...the question was answered...RPJ,
I have checked other posts. I do understand . This person came on this site to ask a question. I have been on here for awhile and chose to leave because of the way you all treat people.
I was only trying to maybe help a person that understandably needed a question answered without a smart answer. My bad. Maybe they didn't want to plod through all of the other posts.
If you think this forum is bad "because of the way you all treat people" have not been on the internet much. I'm on a few other forums (not as much as on this one), with a couple that are considered "professional" in terms of material, and this one treats "newbies" with kid gloves compared to the others. On those, if a newbie comes on asking a question that had been asked several times, they are promptly "reamed" and asked if they had used the "Search" function.... Yeah...there are a few regulars on here that have skirmishes occasionally with each other (that's what happens when you get into political discussions)....and if someone takes sides during the skimishes, they will get their "just rewards"....but a few of these "skirmishers" have even met in person, and were able to not kill each other!!!! Plus, the anonimity of the internet let's some people say things they might not to your face.
So, waterkids....grow a thicker skin....this isn't church on's the internet.