Passport? I don't need no stinking passport


Here's my reveiw of the ladder thats in Amazon user comments: 5.0 out of 5 stars 20 ft, ladder beats 18 ft 1,000.000 wall, May 30, 2009 Big backup at the mexican border last sunday so i drove a bit out of town and took the old costco off the truck and let my nephews climb up/drag the very light ladder up and climb over.They then caught a bus home and i went on my way.Viva mexico Viva Costco ladders! a 100 dollar 20 ft. ladder beats a Billion dollar 18ft. wall any day
I KNEW IT! I read words to this effect a few months back in an article but couldn't find anything recently to back it up. A friend related this info but I didn't realize they got it from the Star.

Key passage here:

A passport application receipt will help, but those travelers should also bring a photo ID and proof of citizenship, said Roger Maier, Customs and Border Protection spokesman. U.S. citizens won't be denied entry, fined or punished if they don't have a passport or other approved document, Winkowski said. They will be given a reminder and could face delays, but nothing more.
"We are still going to admit you if we are satisfied with your citizenship and identity," said Winkowski, who expects a smooth transition this week.

I know a lot of people who are passing on the Roger Clyne show because they couldn't get their passport in time or just forgot to. Thanks for passing that on.


Tom the Surfcaster
Read the Fine Print

Tell everyone you know to get a da*% passport or passport card. The more people sail right through with the proper paperwork the easier for all of us to cross that congested border. They won't turn folks back who can reasonably prove they are US citizens, but every one they have to scrutinize means another 10 minutes idling in Sonoyta for me and my passport.


Agree with surf 100%. We arrived at the border on 6.8.09 about 12:15 and didn't get through until almost 1:00. The border agent said maybe 50% of the people had either a passport or passcard. Major holdup all because people don't want to spend any $. Heck, if you can afford gas, food, and lodging for a trip to rocky point, you can afford to get a passcard and not make the rest of us miserable waiting in line...


Passports, what BS! Who do they think they are keeping out anyways? The US is so bad these days we don't want to come back,lol!


As if US citizens having a passport helps or solves anything. If all the ID I carry isn't enough to convince the officials of my own country I live/belong here, then maybe I don't need to come back....hmm


And so are the tacos. The three "T's", Tequila, Tacos and Tecate, all you need to live.