Awesome! I will tell Claudia. We actually drove in and up to the restaurant two trips ago to look at it but we haven't actually gone for dinner or drinks. It's definitely added on the Must Do list. We just got back Tuesday but we took 4 newbs with us and had way to much tour guide time to sneak in El Tapeo. I'd rather go when it's just the two of us anyways. Thanks for the review!We really enjoyed it. My wife is a wine drinker, so she has mostly resorted to Margaritas when in town. The server was incredibly knowledgeable about both the large selection of Mexican wines and craft beers they stock. We had a wine and beer flight and each came with a little food pairing for each sample. They have a fairly extensive list of tapas and what we tried was excellent. They had a full bar which looked respectable. Great atmosphere with three different seating areas, live music a couple of nights each week and a view of the water, albeit from a distance.
We have been trying all the new beers for the last couple years; some of them are really good.Awesome! I will tell Claudia. We actually drove in and up to the restaurant two trips ago to look at it but we haven't actually gone for dinner or drinks. It's definitely added on the Must Do list. We just got back Tuesday but we took 4 newbs with us and had way to much tour guide time to sneak in El Tapeo. I'd rather go when it's just the two of us anyways. Thanks for the review!
Good to know! Thank you for your forum contribution. This may be the start of a good thread. We have the juices flowing as they say....Penasco could use a micro. If you're in San Carlos check out Cerveceria Marvida . and cerveza argova in Nogales is worthy of a stop.
How awesome were those prices last weekend? We were getting the promotion Tecate. I think it was an 18 pack for 12 pack price. I'm super bummed about the Cholla Store though. That Six SUCKS and it's just not the sameThere is a difference in taste between Coors light from the USA and what's sold in Mexico, just like Corona and Pacifico sold in
the US and Mexico. Also you have to love the price right before Semana Santa when you can buy a 12 pack for about $5.
I think most of the Coors Light in Mexico comes from CCM, makers of Dos Equis, Tecate, Sol, Indio and a few others. They also make the Heineken and Amstel Light for the Mexican market. I have never tried the Coors Light when down there; Tecate is my usual beer when in town.Couldn't agree more about the odd tasting Coors Light in Mexico. It doesn't taste the same or as good as in the States. We still buy it, though. And, also agree about not being a fan of Six stores in general. Their selection and management doesn't seem as consistent as Oxxo. I like the Circle K/Pemex on the outskirts of town because they usually have Modelo, which is my favorite and not available at Oxxo. Being a Modelo drinker forces special stops at the Modeloramas scattered around town to restock. I saw Modelorama has set up home delivery in some cities in Mexico, but not yet in Puerto Penasco. Decent prices too. That would be awesome!
So you're part of the hipster crowd ruining the beer world???? LOL I'm still trying to figure out this IPA cult. Everything on the shelves now is IPA. There's hardly a selection outside of IPA in the grocery stores. Drinking an IPA is like sifting whiskey. Would I do it? Sure. Do I want to do it repeatedly? No chance! IPA's are wayyyyy to hoppy. It's like drinking the dankest weed on earth. A sip or two and the flavor profile is amazing. Then I get half way through a can and I want to get rid of it. After 2 I have a headache and hate beer. It's really really really weird. I definitely like porters and IPA cousin PALE ALE. No wonder they had to abolish beer in India at the turn of the century, look at the shit they were drinking!I've never comprendido americans drinking american beer in mexico. Same curiosity why some drink wine in a microbrewery. Yes I'm a recovering beer snob that still believes "fizzy yellow beer is for wussies" . Silver bullets and bud light , well... "We don't use that 'cept for thinnin our paint" . still won't accept even a free bud. Will drink a Banquet if there's tequila to wash it down with. Tecate tastes like grape juice. I have learned to like Indio and Negra but miss my porters and IPA.. Viva. Colin's for the craft they stock. Salud!
Hipster lol . hippy is a better verb. I grew up with hamms and pbr, rolling that dankest weed. Hello new day. I agree the market is overwhelmed with beer choices . The IPA's have become a monster. Too hoppy can hurt. But I enjoy a bitter ale made right. Pilsners and lagers too. Flavor is most important but I won't touch the fruity tootie new rage. Beer is barley yeast water an hops. Rice?(bud) only in horchata and with a burrito. I'm reformed only in accepting that others can drink as they want. Even a too cold watered down mass produced beer flavored " ..just renting it.." quantity over quality low cal 4.2 fizzy yellow brand.So you're part of the hipster crowd ruining the beer world???? LOL I'm still trying to figure out this IPA cult. Everything on the shelves now is IPA. There's hardly a selection outside of IPA in the grocery stores. Drinking an IPA is like sifting whiskey. Would I do it? Sure. Do I want to do it repeatedly? No chance! IPA's are wayyyyy to hoppy. It's like drinking the dankest weed on earth. A sip or two and the flavor profile is amazing. Then I get half way through a can and I want to get rid of it. After 2 I have a headache and hate beer. It's really really really weird. I definitely like porters and IPA cousin PALE ALE. No wonder they had to abolish beer in India at the turn of the century, look at the shit they were drinking!
What's your pick for best flavored light beer 4.2 fizzy yellow brand??? Or not necessarily yellow... I tried the Four Peaks Guilt Lifter and I must say that if I'm going to be drinking 4.2 light beer, it's pretty damn good. Pretty decent flavor profile for a light beer. Amstel light comes to mind too. Anything you could turn me on to? I was liking the Brooklyn Beer CO Brooklyn Lager for a while a couple of summers ago and then the drive through liquor I go to down the street wasn't carrying it any longer. It was another lager with really good flavor. I used to love Sam Adams a long time ago but its been years since I've had one I bet...Hipster lol . hippy is a better verb. I grew up with hamms and pbr, rolling that dankest weed. Hello new day. I agree the market is overwhelmed with beer choices . The IPA's have become a monster. Too hoppy can hurt. But I enjoy a bitter ale made right. Pilsners and lagers too. Flavor is most important but I won't touch the fruity tootie new rage. Beer is barley yeast water an hops. Rice?(bud) only in horchata and with a burrito. I'm reformed only in accepting that others can drink as they want. Even a too cold watered down mass produced beer flavored " ..just renting it.." quantity over quality low cal 4.2 fizzy yellow brand.
Didn't know there was a Pac Light. Does Modelo Light still exist??? I used to think those weren't too bad. I actually prefer Tecate Light over any American light beer. Tecate light with a lime is refreshing and absolutely no tipsy point ever. You can have 10. It's a good summer pool/lake beer.I have tried a few dozen IPA's over the last 5 years, I always come back to the 4.2-4.5%, Coor's lite, Molson's of the world.
Castle Lite in South Africa is one of my favorites. Clean crisp and you can drink more than a few without regretting it the next day.
I find myself actually liking Pacifico Lite lately, because regular Pacifico has been hard to get recently.
It has some flavor and if I drink 6 of them over the course of the day, I never get very tipsy.
It keeps my wife happy since she's a former drinker and doesn't appreciate people who are loud and crazy while drinking.
Havent tried giltlifter. Its a scottish ale which I'm not crazy about. I been staying away from 4 peaks since they sold out to AB. I like sam adams lager not too hoppy good flavor. but not a light beer. I do pales for less hops. Like mirror pond from deshutes. Speaking of Deshutes, Black butte porter is high on my list. SanTan in chandler has a decent lager. If yer ever in bisbee Electric Lager is worthy. Electric Brewing was the first legal microbrewery in Az.(fun fact)What's your pick for best flavored light beer 4.2 fizzy yellow brand??? Or not necessarily yellow... I tried the Four Peaks Guilt Lifter and I must say that if I'm going to be drinking 4.2 light beer, it's pretty damn good. Pretty decent flavor profile for a light beer. Amstel light comes to mind too. Anything you could turn me on to? I was liking the Brooklyn Beer CO Brooklyn Lager for a while a couple of summers ago and then the drive through liquor I go to down the street wasn't carrying it any longer. It was another lager with really good flavor. I used to love Sam Adams a long time ago but its been years since I've had one I bet...
This might be the best thread on RPT right now lol
Doesn't it defeat the purpose of a light beer if you drink mass quantities more than you would if it was a good beer? Also 30 pack of buttlite costs what 20 bucksish? 30beers nobuzz. Vs 3 beers decentglow. At half that price. Christ drinkfuckinglemonade if all you want to do is pee.Didn't know there was a Pac Light. Does Modelo Light still exist??? I used to think those weren't too bad. I actually prefer Tecate Light over any American light beer. Tecate light with a lime is refreshing and absolutely no tipsy point ever. You can have 10. It's a good summer pool/lake beer.