That's good info, thanks Roberto. I really enjoy getting out and exploring Mexico, and not to be negative, but lately I've been feeling really frustrated about all the ambiguity regarding stupid permits you need when venturing into Mexico. From doing a little research on the internet, from what I can tell, it states you do not need tourist visas when traveling in the state of Baja, yet about two weeks ago while I was riding my motorbike from Yuma via Mexicalli to Tijuana at one of checkpoints they asked me for my tourist VISA, and stated I had to stop at Tecate to get one (which of course I didn't). And it states on several websites that you do not need a permit for your boat anymore, yet they made me buy one a few months ago when I was bringing my boat into Mexico. If Mexico will require a tourist VISA for fishing out of San Diego, will we need one now to fish the Sea of Cortez? Funniest thing is how their websites state you need to have a fishing license to fish in Mexico and they direct you to their government website where you're supposed to be able to purchase a license online, yet it hasn't been working for at least a year now. Bottom line is Mexico keeps nickel and diming you with all these stupid permits, to the point I wonder if its worth it anymore. Why make it so difficult for tourists to visit and spend money in their country?