FINALLY, SUCCESS! Sunday, end of Sandy beach right where the reef/rocks begin to go towards Bone beach. High tide and the wind was perfect. Nice casts into sandy wash areas and BOOM.
Caught a nice Pargo, then a nice sized trigger, broke the hook taking it out and sent my second line out. While trying to set up another hook ... fish on.
Caught 5 more fish before I could get the second line back out.
Threw back 5 more smaller triggers, and 3 smaller sand bass. Kept 2 for bait but ended up keeping 3 large triggers and the pargo for dinner.
Filleted and fried Trigger for sweet and sour, whole fried the Pargo and served with Veggie stir fried Noodle. Was awesome. Invited Steve over and had a great meal and conversation with him. Lucky he had some rice wine vinegar... forgot mine at home lol.
Thank you all for your tips and support.