Old site -- who purchased it



In the previous message I said:

I also emailed Tyler and told him that I would be happy to put a link on our forum to this forum if he asked, but we have deleted them when people don't ask. Those are the only posts deleted intentionally that weren't spam.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. How can people ask for a link to a forum they don't know about?
So if someone posted a general question, like "What other rocky point forums are out there?" you wouldn't delete replies with links then?


No sub hes saying they have deleted posts where the poster did not ask if
they could post the link, IE: Tyler contacting them and asking for permission to post a link to this forum.


I read it that way as well and I sent Sub a PM and asked him to read and evaluate it again. To me he's saying that if Tyler asks him he will post this site over there, presumably on the forum page. I think that's very interesting and surprising to say the least.

"to put a link on our forum to this forum"



Well thats confusing but still dumb. I can't think of any forum that makes you ask for permission to post a link to another forum, and I'm a member of quite a few. I know of one that gets bent if you link to other travel agencies, but this isn't a travel agency forum.

Guess it's napoleon syndrome.


I have a forum and welcome any links. Tyler is doing a great job here and most my forum buddies are here. Some have even shared by coming over to my forum. No reason we cant link and share. The other old forum is just for buisness. Thats why its all spam and advertising.


The new forum isn't advertising and spam!

We had one of the employees through up a forum, and it wasn't what we wanted. We didn't want to change the forum at all, and we didn't know we would loose the old forum.


jherbison said:
The new forum isn't advertising and spam!

We had one of the employees through up a forum, and it wasn't what we wanted. We didn't want to change the forum at all, and we didn't know we would loose the old forum.
You people "we" have showed very bad judgment in not coming forward from the beginning about not being able to keep the old forum, either on this site or the new one. Instead you are over here doing I don't know what. Yes, the new forum was full of spam until you changed it a day or so ago, how can you possibly say it wasn't?
That forum was and still is a community and the perception was, and I assume still is, that you "we" came in without giving us any thought or the time of day.

For the most part our community was and is about helping people :sunny: with our knowledge and understanding of how things work, where to stay, fish, eat, and on and on it goes. The forum itself only showed part of how helpful this community is, there were many private emails as well.

I think it would be counter perductive for you "we" to come here on a high horse. :arrow:



Kenny I think you may be giving the Seaside posse a pass on their "dog ate my homework" story on the old Forum.Some will argue the Stalinist like disapperance of the old forum was a Nixonian (18 minute tape gap anyone?) move to stop search engines from finding the anti-Seaside flame war that raged on this forum.If you remember some owners of Las Palomas were accusing him of being a crook.It was a complex fight that has gone private.Now that the forum has gone poof google searches on his business practices hit a wall.He would have been better off answering those accusations than possibly doing the modern day equivalent of book burning by buying the forum and destroying it as some are accusing him of doing around Puerto Penasco.
5 years of valuable information gone (some of which may have saved peoples lives and life savings)so some fat aging yuppie in a overpriced Hawaiian shirt can make a few more pieces of silver.


I like pie.
Staff member
jerry said:
Kenny I think you may be giving the Seaside posse a pass on their "dog ate my homework" story on the old Forum.Some will argue the Stalinist like disapperance of the old forum was a Nixonian (18 minute tape gap anyone?) move to stop search engines from finding the anti-Seaside flame war that raged on this forum.If you remember some owners of Las Palomas were accusing him of being a crook.It was a complex fight that has gone private.Now that the forum has gone poof google searches on his business practices hit a wall.He would have been better off answering those accusations than possibly doing the modern day equivalent of book burning by buying the forum and destroying it as some are accusing him of doing around Puerto Penasco.
5 years of valuable information gone (some of which may have saved peoples lives and life savings)so some fat aging yuppie in a overpriced Hawaiian shirt can make a few more pieces of silver.
That's why it's never a good idea to have a forum owned by a company that does business in RP. The posts will be biased.

Thankfully, I'm a nerd and Mexico doesn't need any of those currently....


Tyler, i came upon a group of Mexican and possibly Iranian nerds South of Sasabe that are coming to the US to do the jobs our nerds won't. The Iranian claimed he'd even clean the microwave in the break room.They might even fix Jim's printer for minimum wage.


We didn't come forward because we were actually trying to keep the old forum.. Even with the stuff bashing Sea Side..

Your right! The information in the forum was great search engine content. That is why we tried to get the old info to work. Different forum versions and going from a windows server to a linux server we just couldn't get it to work.

Loosing information happens.. The old owner lost it before also... That is why the link has said "The forum is back!!!" for a long time.

When you are running a business you will always have people that don't like you. Here is a screenshot of communication between us about loosing the old information. Steve did want to keep it.