El Pirata
Buenos Dias, Lol and I thought Happy was bad.
Preach Brother, preach.I agree, you provide absolutely nothing to this forum...just constantly spewing Trump cum out of your mouth. Yes, we get it; the election in the ENTIRE country was rigged and the ENTIRE world planned the fake COVID “flue” conspiracy, all to butthurt your reality TV star you fuckin dummies can't get enough of for some reason. Think about that, you guys go ape shit over a REALITY TV STAR!!! That's just weird, and frankly embarrassing. We often wonder how some people go through life being such a fuckin idiots with no worries at all because they’re just too dumb for their own good…too dumb to acknowledge actions have consequences, education and science is for fools, just floating through life without a care in the world (thems don’t need it cuz the good lord’ll save ‘em), la-di-da-di-da….a vast empty hole, perfect for someone like Dear Leader to grab a hold of (besides your wife’s pussy). But it’s hard to comprehend and quickly hurts my brain, very much like when thinking about how the universe is infinite. I firmly believe at a very minimum, half the people in this country are not very smart (this was well before the elections, but now reinforced). But when and why did it become popular to be stupid? Why did all the dummies come out of the woodwork? Hmmmm, maybe they see themselves in Trump, who is also not very smart, or as some would say, a dummy. Do you wonder why almost EVERY single major metro area in EVERY single state voted Democrat? Where do most college-educated, high-income earners live; where are the country’s largest and successful businesses located; where are some of the best schools and research institutes; in another way, where are the smartest people located? Now, where do majority of poor, hillbilly, Trump-voting dopes live? It’s not a coincidence. Doesn’t that make you wonder? I will wonder for you because maybe your dopey brain can’t comprehend; your vote and alliance is exactly in line with poor, hillbilly, racist, white-trash dummy retards…but they apparently don’t know any better - like you. You are a dummy.
Hold my beer, I’m gonna predict your response…
…Your so angry (your* used correctly, remember this is your response) (Yeah, loud uneducated dopes like yourself are annoying as fuck, saying the same ‘ole shit over and over and over like a tard - especially when you post NOTHING useful. If I wanted to see stupid shit, I’d watch Fox News.)
…and the name calling from these Sleepy (or Beijing or Dementia or Crazy) Joe-lovin’ snowflake libtards (Seriously? All you fucknuts do is call or mispronounce peoples (and things) names, like when I call you a dope. I’m trying to get into your empty void like how Trump got in yours apparently, with name calling! And I’m not really a Democrat. See, I have a brain. And that brain allows me to decide on things I agree with, regardless of what side it’s from. Not just what Trump and Fox News tells me to do, or Democrats for that matter. If you agree 100% with party lines, that just screams dummy right there (Do you know why this is the proper use of there, because you didn’t in your previous post.))
…I got someones pantys in a knowt (Hmm, hard to predict if youds spell thoose wright…ugh, it’s just too easy now, I feel kinda bad since you probably did have a sad upbringing. Gangs, white supremacist groups, cults, etc. for the most part exist because these people feel so unloved, unwanted, worthless… that they find others downtrodden like themselves and it gives them a sense of security and community. They could almost give a shit what fucked up stuff they are doing or what the group believes in, just as long as the feel accepted. And that’s how Trump was able to prey on you poor, dumb, uneducated white-trash dopes for his MAGA cult following. They all just wanted to fit in with other uneducated, bible-thumping, anti-science, racist morons. Like you. So no, no panty knots for me, my banana hammock doesn’t have enough material for a knot. Just had some free time today, and you post dumb shit.)
…Our so called experts along with the media scared the carp out of us and shut down the country over a flue virus (yeah I just had to copy/paste this almost unintelligible sentence you made, and please look up how to spell “flue” that you’ve typed multiple times. Your (lol) just so dumb. The fact that you believe a reality TV star over scientists….ugh. I hope your* smarter than these so-called (correct punctuation) carppy (see what I did there?) experts (doubtful). So if and when you get sick, please don’t waste space in a hospital, because anything these so called* experts are going to try is some fake-news science shit…just “learn to live with it” until the magic man finally takes you up to the sky.)
…Thanks for the laugh (No problem, I’m sure it went in one ear and out the other…probably that comprehension thing I was talking about earlier.)
Now I am bored with this.
STFU already. Your* dumb.
He sounds like a combo of Happy and that other hate and racist filled flamethrower from YumaBuenos Dias, Lol and I thought Happy was bad.
Nice report Joe, and sounds like a great trip.
Personally I would give him a lifetime ban, he needs 30 at minimum, just my thoughts.He sounds like a combo of Happy and that other hate and racist filled flamethrower from Yuma
I bet this guy has at least one other sock and is ready and willing to create more.Personally I would give him a lifetime ban, he needs 30 at minimum, just my thoughts.
Yup you just can’t belittle people all the time, he had great info helped me out enormously with some real estate problems.The mysterious loss of Roberto hasn't helped the forum either.
I don't think you are bright enough to know when hate is staring you in the face.You brought this on yourself . You sure have a lot of hate in your life .
Maybe, but this was spot on.You should clean up your language and try to be an intelligent adult.
Damn, you must not have been here when Obama was pres. It would start out like this, hey what bait should I use over by the reef? Obama is black and muslim and wasn't born in the united states and by the way he's left of left. That was back when Michelle Bachman and the other brainyack Sarah Palin were mouth breathing on the news every night. To be honest, I could care less who says what. I sift through that shit like a worker in the elephant exhibit. I actually think it's better to let a member of the forum PIPE OFF because then you know their or THERE as Steve would say TRUE SELF. Arguing over objective reality with a subjective cult follower is pointless. Has anyone seen this Nexeum crap on HBO????? I mean jesus, there really are people that will believe anything. Usually those are the kids that were super sheltered by their THERE parents when they were young and then they turn 18 and Natalie Holloway. Or they join a cult and let some guy clean their THERE carpet for 4 hours a day and force them to recruit other women into the sex pyramid scheme.This is no longer the Rocky Point Forum. This is a political forum. A shame.
I disagree. It's mostly a RP forum that goes off topic. Unless you haven't seen my posts WITH PICTURES! How many people even post, let alone post pictures?! I mean, CAN'T WE LIVE TICO????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is no longer the Rocky Point Forum. This is a political forum. A shame.
How much did you pay for your wife? She's pretty. Bird brain though. Good to look at.Holly cow. Malvadofailed grammer 101. lmfao!
Thanks KahunitoSaw this at JJs yesterday
I would be interested in your current fishing vessel/Rig MJ.Anyone in Cholla Bay know how much the person wants for the center console boat parked across the street from Hippy house heading towards Pinto Point? Has a for SAIL sign on it and the GF might be wanting to get into the center console game... That means my 2 year sales pitch is finally starting to SINK in.