November Heat Wave


Here we are in the middle of November and close to 90 degrees!! Not unwelcome as the humidity is not spiking with the temp. Eat your heart out Northerners !!

GV Jack

Snorin God
Don't worry, the Desperado is just 24 hours away and the temps will drop like a rock over the weekend.

High of 68 for Saturday. Maybe to cops will find it too cold to patrol. :rolleyes:


Sea Shell Goddess
The weather was fantastic when we were then last week . . . Except for some very windy days, which is normal.
My only complaint is we are now north of the border - which totally sucks :p
Came down today and actually broke a sweat for the first time in 4 weeks, the humidityat 60% takes some getting used to, as always.
Will enjoy the time here.


Lovin it in RP!
Still lovin it, heading to Hermosillo tomorrow, should be really warm there! November.....warm.....I love it!
Hey gang, can anyone report what the weather looks like today? The wife and I are planning on coming down after work, and of course its cloudy and cold in Nogales this morning. I knew from the forecast that it was gonna cool down in Penasco this weekend, but hopefully the temps won't fall too far. Thanks!


Heading down Saturday. I heard from a friend at Playa Bonita today that, it was blowing like a son of a gun todayo_OBut it looks like the winds will be calmer on Sunday thru Wednesday!! Yippee..:D


Temps are OK but the humiditiy spiked during the night. Not uncomfortable though. Yes it is overcast and the wind has kicked up. Breaks up the boring stillness of a quiet day. GV complained that his hair got mussed today out on the beach.