Not sure Mexico will ever overcome this curse


When driving the shuttle I was told that the dogs in the Mexican side are for arms and mucho dinero no weed, I had unload the trailer a couple of times due to motor oil leaked from the moto engine and the dog will go crazy every time I came thru, finally someone wrote a comment on my file and the searches kind of stopped, in one of the occasions (spring break) one of the kids was screaming all the way to RP how lucky he was that they did not find his ounce of weed he had in his bag!!!!

Now if there was a true WAR ON DRUGS then the question will be HOW COME THERE IS MORE SUPPLY NOW THAN EVER BEFORE????? simple YOUR government is involved on it, by that I mean the DEA is the top cartel in this game, I mean Saddam was done in about a year and nobody knew where he was, everybody knows where the crops are grown!!!! EVERY BODY some times just need to open your eyes as you go for your Sunday drive!!!!! WAR your ass!!!!