Not all the dust has settled...

Although it has been 2 weeks since the 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the Mexicali area, not all the dust has settled... Thankfully, only a few lives were lost, and my condolences go out to those families... but now in the aftermath of the quake we are faced with another tragedy and many more lives are at risk due to homes that are being condemned and families are being forced to live outdoors with little or no facilities or shelter...

In order to try to bring some aid and relief to these families, my good friend "Blanca Soto" (former director of DIF and president of La Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida AC) and I, along with the help of her daughter and son-in-law who are architects and live in Mexicali, we are setting up a "Relief Fund" to raise monies and or building materials to help build temporary shelters for the elderly and families with very young children... all of the money donated will go directly to the purchase of building materials needed, such as cement, metal wall studs, sheetrock, lumber and roofing materials... (facturas will be provided to show where the money is being spent)

Conditions are far worse than have been previously reported... if you would like to help with a donation please contact me by email at or by phone 602-324-9529 or locally here in Rocky Point at 383-4963... and please help spread the word and tell a friend...

Your Support is Greatly Appreciated...
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Yes Tyler... Thank you... our PayPal account is at the same address listed above, or if you would like you can do a bank transfer from any "B of A" to Blanca's account at Santander Bank here in Rocky Point...

also you can go to the Donations page of our Rocky Point Classroom website...

Tyler... Again Thank you very much for your interest in helping out, and Thank you for making this a sticky post so it will get more attention...
AWESOME... THANK YOU TYLER..... (what I really wanted to say would have surely gotten cencered for profanity) Thank you very much... Tyler


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Okay... I'm posting these pics of the quake. They're freakin' incredible. You can literally see the mountains shaking.

here are some photos taken by Blanca Soto in Mexicali, the date on the photos is obviously incorrect, but the photos show places where make shift campsites have been set up and ground water has come up from the water table in low lying areas... I was told by Blancas daughter that this water contains a very strong sulfuric smell... it is estimated that over 2000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes and the only people receiving assistance are the people whos homes were completely destroyed...



Thanks for the help Mark and everyone else! So far the governments response has been to send in inspectors to condem homes and send people out with no tents or other kind of temp shelter! We do have promises of help w/ materials but... I'll belive it when I see it! Harold & Kathy, La Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida AC ps great pictures!
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Harold & Kathy... thank you so much for your generous donation... I'm sure Blanca will be very excited with the progress we are making... with everyones help we are definately making a difference...

Again Thanks to all... and please help spread the word...
Mark thank you for bringing Blanca by the Visitor Assistance office. I hope that little bit goes a long way for your efforts. It was wonderful to finally meet the woman at the helm of La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida AC. Keep us posted!
Rosie... Thank you for your pledge to donate to our cause and for being one of the sponsors for the Fun Run... your donations, as with all donations from the Fun Run will be used for the schools and your check is earmarked to help cover expenses to replace the heater for the therapy pool at La Montana School for Special Needs Children... I like to think that even if you can only give a little, it helps a lot... Thank you very much...

and about Blanca... she is a wonderful person and I'm honored to be able to work with her...
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I like pie.
Staff member
I love to hear about people donating. Especially in today's economy where money is fairly tight and we're always on the edge trying to figure out if we will have a job the next week.

I'm so glad we have such a good community to help others in need.

I love you guys!
Tyler you have gone above and beyond donating... by hosting this forum you have enabled me and others to have our voices heard and our messages to get out...

I know that we have been able to help so many more people since I have been able to ask for help from all the members of this forum... So I owe a debt of gratitude to you and all the members of this forum... you all are great...
You and Barb are the awesome gives us tremendous pleasure to know that we are making a difference, if only in a little way, and I for one would not know that pleasure if it weren't for the two of you. You both are truly the best:thumbsup:
Thank you Julie & Russ we appreciate all your kind words and all the help getting our message out... we really couldn't do what we are doing without the help of good people like you and all the other members from this forum...

We realize what we are doing wont save the world, but if it makes a difference in just one persons life than it was all well worth the effort... dios les bendiga
This video shows the Force of the earthquake that hit near Mexicali... Thanks for the video playaperro a.k.a. Abe... I have been invited to go to Mexicali this Sunday with Blanca to check out the damage

You can follow our progress on facebook at Mexicali Earthquake Relief Fund
