DM is so correct: "Every one feels the pinch except for the narcos." The Mexican governmant's answer to the narco problem is as effective as putting water in your radiator when you run out of gas. When in a foreign country, deal in the currency of that country.
Was in Penasco one week ago. Friday night, the Policia Estatal Investigadora (PEI), had a roadblock/checkpoint on Benito Juarez, just south of Pollo Lucas. There were about ten PEI pickup trucks lined up in the middle of the street, each with all emergency lights flashing. Quite a light show, which could be observed for quite a distance from both directions. Conveniently, there was a side street bypass above and below the "road block". As we were heading north, cars both in front of us, and from behind us, turned off the boulevard, using side streets to bypass the "road block". How convenient! Like the police really want to catch the "bad guys". Interfere with cartel business, and you and your family will be executed. This is what is hanging over the heads of the police. This is why you don't see any police on Highway 8 at night, and why PEI vehicles only travel in carravans.