Newby - Spray for bugs?


Newby gentle...

I purchased a condo in the Princesa resort a few months back. I understand the HOA sprays for bugs at the complex level. I have heard that it is also wise to spray within the condo.

What do you recommend? If you recommend spraying, what product or service do you recommend? How often? What is a good price?

I'm no pro, but considering the close quarters of condos, and the downside of adding pesticide spray to the possible mix of previous applications (and if roaches are your target), I would go with Advion Cockroach Gel Bait (Amazon). It can be applied to tops of door frames and similar locations that don't come into contact with people / pets, has no airborne application, and is effective preventatively or for existing problems.


The HOA sprays at our resort as well. We do not use anything inside the condo and have had no pests. So I'd say don't spray inside unless you start seeing bugs.

At home, we use Ortho's Home Defense (every 3 to 6 months) and only on the outside perimeter of our house, never inside; although the bottle does say it's safe to use inside. Seems to do the trick. It's good for roaches, spiders, and ants. We get a two-pack bottle at Sam's Club for $19.76. Home Depot carries it too.
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99% of roaches come up from the sewer through your drains. If you want to prevent bugs from getting in your condo, pour about two cups of Pinesol in every drain before you return to the states. Close the drains or put covers over them. Here are a few examples.

The Pinesol will not evaporate so the "p-trap" remains full making it impossible for bugs to get through. Be sure to plug every drain including showers, kitchen/bathroom sinks, utility room siks, etc.


99% of roaches come up from the sewer through your drains. If you want to prevent bugs from getting in your condo, pour about two cups of Pinesol in every drain before you return to the states. Close the drains or put covers over them. Here are a few examples.

The Pinesol will not evaporate so the "p-trap" remains full making it impossible for bugs to get through. Be sure to plug every drain including showers, kitchen/bathroom sinks, utility room siks, etc.
Great tip...thanks!