I am pretty sure that the whole Penasco area is on the zone 1E subsidy schedule. My place in Cholla is on it.
Someone with a Condo on Sandy Beach could verify this.
Russ, With a $110 bill for 2 months during the summer, you must keep the A/C running to a minimum.
I would be miserable from the humidity.
My place in Cholla is 1300sf with dual pane windows with R-24 attic and foam roof insulation.
One- 2-ton mini split (10.6 seer) and we burn through 32-38 KW per day with the A/C running at 25-26 degrees Celsius for 8-12 hours a day in June.
(10-12 without A/C) ,
That's with 1 electric water heater, 1 med. size fridge, 2 small H2O pumps, a 32" led TV, 5 fans running and CFL bulb's in most every light we have.
No shade trees and non-insulated block walls but light colored painted walls.
The charge is approx. 7 cents per KW in zone 1E for up to 150-600KW per 2 month period, the price per KW and KW surcharge levels change
to different levels depending on what time of the years it is. Currently the basic charge level is 150KW for winter and 600 KW for summer months.
Check out the CFE site if you want some great reading, regarding that.
Someone with a Condo on Sandy Beach could verify this.
Russ, With a $110 bill for 2 months during the summer, you must keep the A/C running to a minimum.
My place in Cholla is 1300sf with dual pane windows with R-24 attic and foam roof insulation.
One- 2-ton mini split (10.6 seer) and we burn through 32-38 KW per day with the A/C running at 25-26 degrees Celsius for 8-12 hours a day in June.
(10-12 without A/C) ,
That's with 1 electric water heater, 1 med. size fridge, 2 small H2O pumps, a 32" led TV, 5 fans running and CFL bulb's in most every light we have.
No shade trees and non-insulated block walls but light colored painted walls.
The charge is approx. 7 cents per KW in zone 1E for up to 150-600KW per 2 month period, the price per KW and KW surcharge levels change
to different levels depending on what time of the years it is. Currently the basic charge level is 150KW for winter and 600 KW for summer months.
Check out the CFE site if you want some great reading, regarding that.