:happy: Even one for Happy.
~~~Hey Bill, good buddy ~~~ have a look, ~~~ now you know why I now have exclusive rights, ~~~
~~~ to the word ~~~ HAPPY, ~~~ and anything connected to it, ~~~
~~~ this seals it in stone, ~~~ and as everyone here knows I was the first to use ~~~ HAPPY ~~~
~~~ for years, & years, on probably no less than ~~~ 6 - forums ~~~
~~~ I own ~~~ HAPPY~~~ no - 2 - ways about it ~~~
~~~ and if you remember you & I discussed this via e-mail ~~~
~~~ & after much thought on my part, I agreed to let you use it in your post sign off's,
~~~ HAPPY ~~~ likes ~~~ Lemon Meringue ~~~ PIE ~~~