A little impatient....aren't we?2 pages on Mac vs. PC and no response to a pertinent RP question? Maybe I asked the question the wrong way. How about
I'm bringing a Mac and a PC down the coastal highway. Is the new road from the tee into the Sandy Beach area complete?
A libtard and a right wing wacko are driving in from the coastal highway. Is the new road from the tee into the Sandy Beach area complete?
~~~~~ Here, fishy, fishy~~~~A pigeon cooper ~~~is driving~~~ down the coastal highway~~~~~
Any help?
Thanks for the input. I was just bumping the topic since it was sinking fast and figured a little sarcasm would't hurt while I was it. Traveling tomorrow and will wait until it is paved since we almost drove into an open trench on the coastal hwy "detour" a while back. Will update after the weekend.