New overpass

I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm surrrrrrr............

That those greasy grimy pot bellied pistol brandishing peckers AKA RP Policia road block bastardos will still find a way the set up shop and fleece the incoming Gringos at that intersection.

Still makes me sick to my stomach that we had to deal with those criminal s#it suckers last month. Talk about a great way to bring back the good old days with the money packing Gringo tourists. Was kinda thinkin those disgusting incidents were gonna be a thing of the past, you know with the new "NO HASSLE ZONE" ya right!

Can you imagine the visions of wonderment coursing thru their greedy cabezas when they spot a rig with toys in trail like mine?

Everybody that I mentioned that incident to has now put RP back on the don't-ever-go-to s#it list with good reason. There is no reason that "EL Jefe" in RP can't police his own police and you know damned good and well that he has some well meaning snitch from this blog that feeds him all of the latest chatter.

Just saying,

The cops in Sonoita have been brutal on us for a year now. My friend got a ticket for "running a stop sign" when he was stopped and the third car in line. He hadn't even got to the stop sign he was supposedly running. I have been pulled over 4 times for "speeding" when I never drive faster than the posted speed limit.


When you see how slow road work is accomplished it does make you dread this project but is a good sign they are serious about doing the infrastructure upgrades necessary for the homeport.
So an over pass goes up at the intersection, does that mean the coastal highway up grade to the airport and beyond gets put on hold.. no money now to finish it ...ha ha ha


So an over pass goes up at the intersection, does that mean the coastal highway up grade to the airport and beyond gets put on hold.. no money now to finish it ...ha ha ha
I know...we had about 50 miles to go to Kino Bay...would have been great for me.....


El Pirata
I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm surrrrrrr............

That those greasy grimy pot bellied pistol brandishing peckers AKA RP Policia road block bastardos will still find a way the set up shop and fleece the incoming Gringos at that intersection.

Still makes me sick to my stomach that we had to deal with those criminal s#it suckers last month. Talk about a great way to bring back the good old days with the money packing Gringo tourists. Was kinda thinkin those disgusting incidents were gonna be a thing of the past, you know with the new "NO HASSLE ZONE" ya right!

Can you imagine the visions of wonderment coursing thru their greedy cabezas when they spot a rig with toys in trail like mine?

Everybody that I mentioned that incident to has now put RP back on the don't-ever-go-to s#it list with good reason. There is no reason that "EL Jefe" in RP can't police his own police and you know damned good and well that he has some well meaning snitch from this blog that feeds him all of the latest chatter.

Just saying,

LOL, I know some of them read this and speak English better than most of us, now what color is that rubicon?
Lemmiee tella you another guaranteed screw de Gringo spot...................

El Golfo de Santa Clara, the sleepy little shit hole and first stop south on the so called "Coastal Highway". Pull into that berg and you will have one or more of the only two policia pickups on yer ass the instant you pass their clubhouse which is next door to the Pemex station. They have deliberately hidden or removed every stop sign on the boulevard and are right there on your ass waitin for you to screw up. We usually stop on the way home to buy a couple of hundred fresh clams and have made sort of a game outa dealin with the greedy shits. First is to simply FIND a stop sign. Half don't even exist, the other half are quite creative in their placement. One hangs from the inside doorway wall of a tortilla shop and is blocked from sight when they pull down their steel door. Another is screwed the windshield of a junk van where clam sellers store their sack loads. We have even stopped and got out at an intersection to search for the elusive alto sign and then had the bastardos fire up the flashing lights and give us shit about blocking traffic when they are the only other vehicle on the road. If you manage to do the half mile tour, turn around and head back you will then be forced over for a search at their permanent road block before entering the highway. We beat that game by taking a side road in town to the east and just cross the desert back to the highway.

I know that dealing with these crooks is a laugh when you get home, if you get home and part of "la aventura y sabor de Mexico" but it really does suck!



I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm surrrrrrr............

That those greasy grimy pot bellied pistol brandishing peckers AKA RP Policia road block bastardos will still find a way the set up shop and fleece the incoming Gringos at that intersection.

Still makes me sick to my stomach that we had to deal with those criminal s#it suckers last month. Talk about a great way to bring back the good old days with the money packing Gringo tourists. Was kinda thinkin those disgusting incidents were gonna be a thing of the past, you know with the new "NO HASSLE ZONE" ya right!

Can you imagine the visions of wonderment coursing thru their greedy cabezas when they spot a rig with toys in trail like mine?

Everybody that I mentioned that incident to has now put RP back on the don't-ever-go-to s#it list with good reason. There is no reason that "EL Jefe" in RP can't police his own police and you know damned good and well that he has some well meaning snitch from this blog that feeds him all of the latest chatter.

Just saying,

Jim you crack me up....not sure if Hunter S. Thompson is really dead after all
Sooooooooo Russs.................

Well then, you must be one of the jackasses that shells out dinero to those feeeeelthy roadside banditos, which is why they are there in the first place, always looking for a sign of weakness, especialamente con los Gringos estupidos.

I've heard it a million times, they just do it to feed their pobrecito familias. Right! I see em all the time in their brand new Ford Lobos with Sonora plates, here in Yuma at Sam's Club, Wal Mart, the mall and of course our local gun store.

A few years back they busted the big El Jefe from the San Luis Sonora sector for guess what of all things...movin drugs into and weapons out of... Yuma Arizona!! He had five big new houses with a wife and kids in each one!!! The dumb bitches claimed that they didn't have a clue! Right, that's why the DEA took todos los casas and all of their vehicles anyway.

The big quesos get a cut of every peso los pollos chickitos collect on the highways, just like the miserable shits selling the krap on the beaches, and what I wrote earlier about la policia policing la policia was sarcasm. That is just plain old Mexican style acceptable steady income for the whole troop, just like hookin, thievin and screwing all of you that "invest" in Mexican properties.

Just sayin,

Sooooooooo Russs.................

Well then, you must be one of the jackasses that shells out dinero to those feeeeelthy roadside banditos, which is why they are there in the first place, always looking for a sign of weakness, especialamente con los Gringos estupidos.

I've heard it a million times, they just do it to feed their pobrecito familias. Right! I see em all the time in their brand new Ford Lobos with Sonora plates, here in Yuma at Sam's Club, Wal Mart, the mall and of course our local gun store.

A few years back they busted the big El Jefe from the San Luis Sonora sector for guess what of all things...movin drugs into and weapons out of... Yuma Arizona!! He had five big new houses with a wife and kids in each one!!! The dumb bitches claimed that they didn't have a clue! Right, that's why the DEA took todos los casas and all of their vehicles anyway.

The big quesos get a cut of every peso los pollos chickitos collect on the highways, just like the miserable shits selling the krap on the beaches, and what I wrote earlier about la policia policing la policia was sarcasm. That is just plain old Mexican style acceptable steady income for the whole troop, just like hookin, thievin and screwing all of you that "invest" in Mexican properties.

Just sayin,

So I'm assuming you don't go to Mexico ??