We can never have enough trailer trash!!!!!! LOL!!!!! More to party with!!!!
Hi Tomcat! Kudos...you just got here and already you're a hit. I have no doubt you'll do just fine. As for your insurance, not to worry. If you buy it online, you pay with your debit/credit card and immediately just print out your policy. If you opt to call the office and let Paty issue the policy, she'll ask me to send you a PayPal bill for payment. That could cost a couple of dollars more because of the PayPal fees, but it's just as convenient for us. U.S:602.773.1031 is the number to call Paty and you can always reach me at 602.512.1601. I'm available 24/7 if you get in a bind while here, so that's one more worry off your shoulders. When you come down, stop by the office and (if you aren't a tee-totaler) we'll go downstairs and have a shot of tequila at Manny's. If you are a tee-totaler, then I'll spring for a nice cold bottle of water!How does the proof of insurance work ? Lets say I contact this Rosey on her website. I just pay with visa and she mails me some kind of card ? Can I pre select the dates its good for ? I was thinking a 2 week period would cover me on this first trip. It would be nice to have the insurance all taken care of before I leave home as thats one less thing to worry about
Sure, you can pay for the second shot at the Tequila Factory...(alright you guys, don't tell him the shots are free...) You can get the SIM card at the TelCel store and buy pay-as-you-go minutes. Once you get here, you'll see how easily you'll find your way around.Thanks Rosy,
I will get online soon and buy my insurance from your website. Your post just made me think ! Communications in Rocky Point.... Let me ask you as I bet you know. I have a quad band unlocked GSM cell phone that I have been able to use anywhere in the world by just buying a sim card for that area and buy some pay as you go minutes. What company sim card would be available in rocky point for my basic cell phone needs ? Where could I just stop by and buy the sim card there ?
Tee-totaler ? Water or [FONT="]tequila ? well I guess I am both ! I tend to not drink in the day time but when my day is done I been known to have a few shots. Cheers !!!![/FONT]
[FONT="]From what I have read on this forum your held in high regard by many here. It will be my pleasure to meet you ! I will buy the second drink then ok deal ?[/FONT]