Sheets, towels, bedding shouldn't be a problem unless you have an excessive amount, especially used. Just pack them in suitcases with your clothes. Kitchen & cleaning stuff, reasonable amount, used, shouldn't be a problem. Claim the big items, scatter the rest around the truck out of sight. A used couch does have value so they will assess a tax on it. Make a receipt for a reasonable amount for a used couch or they will put a value on it. Be fair with them, they will be fair with you. They will tell you they only accept pesos, but will accept dollars if you don't have pesos but won't offer a good exchange rate. You can use plastic like Terry said but will be charged a foreign exchange fee, mine is 3%. Paying cash with pesos is best. The trailer is another challenge, especially if you have a long wheelbase truck and long trailer. You will cross the border, turn left and park along the fence. Once your business is complete, you will find a place to turn around and head for the inspection lane. Problem is even hugging the fence and squaring off your left turn the trailer won't make it. The lane is too narrow and too close to the fence. Best case you'll have to take the left trailer tires over the curb missing the steel post by an inch. Next time I plan to take a different approach. I'm not going to turn around, I will back out the way I came in, backing the trailer around the corner back across the border until I'm squared up with the lane, then proceed to inspection.