Need some Rimadyl


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi everyone,
I have a friend who has an older dog that needs Rimadyl daily in order to keep his joints functioning. It costs $180 dollars for a 3 month supply or $100.00 if purchased monthly. It's 100 mg. pills with a 180 pills in each bottle. Would someone know if it can be purchased cheaper in Mexico?
Thank you for checking.
Please have your friend talk to her vet. Rimadyl can be very harmful. It hurts the kidney's.
My best friend "Bo" has both cushings and anul sack carcinoma and in both cases they presribed rimadyl at first and changed it after a few weeks.
Check She will need a Rx from the vet . When I hit the GAP in Medicare I get all my stuff up there. Even cheaper than MX.