Smilin' Jack
What the hell is your problem with me? I didn't get him banned, that's between him and Stuart. I can take care of myself. I'll tell you this, I'm getting real sick and tired of being blamed for other people's stinkin' problems. I didn't do a damn thing to him. If he had asked me the question in his own name, I would've answered it the same. I got the onda alright, but the idiot asked me a direct question. You guys act like he's banned for life. If he were still here it wouldn't bother me at all. I've handled him before and can handle him again.
Oh, and by the way, Happy...I haven't laughed at all about him being banned. I don't need him banned, and in fact was doing okay when he disappeared.
Now who wants to be next, while I'm in the mood?
OK, Stuart. I'll go public with this. This is just the kind of stuff a poster deserves to get banned for. By her own admission, you banned someone who wasn't causing a problem to anyone.