Mobile Tire Repair???

Hey gang! I have 2 friends that arrived yesterday to our place the Sonoran Sea, and they just texted me that they have 2 flat tire, and 1 of the 2 has a pretty bad tear. They asked for recommendations about tire repair/replace. I know there are random "llanterias" everywhere in Mexico but I don't have a specific one I could recommend. The ideal would be some kind of a "mobile" unit that could come out to the condo and help on the spot. Or if not, I'd assume they'd need a llanteria with a flatbed to bring their car to the shop. Thanks in advnce for any advice! -Marty
There is a real tire shop just north of Benito Juarez in the area of Calle 13. I wish I had better directions for you. It might be BF Goodrich. I have used them in the past. They have inventory.


just behind the blue building where Tequila Factory is located, there are many used tire shops but you will need to bring the tire to them to be fix, tow truck service is a very high commodity here in PP but it is available look in the Rocky Point Times for that info, I know the owner's name is Dennis Bleeker