Well we are in RP and bought our annual insurance down here. What a savings ! Full coverage on all and for one year on all. Chevy PU $ 20,000.00 value +50k 100k and 10 k lia.
Boat Sea Ray $ 10,000.00 $154.00 and the 5th wheel $14,000.00 $42.00
These are sure cheaper than anything I found on line.
Alejandro Portugal 01638-1383-2390
Call Laura Leyva

Don't Worry, Be Happy
Bill....I have only one "real" experience to report on Portugal....a friend had a fire in her trailer, and it took her almost a year to collect on her policy thru Portugal....however she did collect! I used him when I started coming to RP years ago, but never had a claim.

However, check over the fine print on the policy....see what labor rate the company authorizes if you need collision work done, and where you can have the work done. After going thru the hell of having an accident down there with a new vehicle, I wound up paying about $1500 out of pocket for about $7000 in damages. This included the deductible ($1000 for a truck, not the $500 for passenger vehicles, and the rest was for the labor differential). On your boat, check to see if you're covered when it's sitting on the trailer, BUT NOT hooked up to your truck. On my jetskis, unless the trailer is hooked up, I'm not covered, nor am I covered on the water.

It's best to be informed......BEFORE you have an accident! Yeah, I know....we all hope we don't have one! I avoided it for about 20 years down there.