Mexican Eggs


I was making huevos rancheros this morning for my husband. I had 2 eggs left over from our last trip to RP. The brand was Bachoco and I got them at Super Ley. Yesterday I bought a dozen eggs at Frys, The Hickman brand. Look at the difference in the color of the 2 Mexican eggs compared to the bland looking gringo egg!



El Pirata
You would of gone to the Ajo Jail first and then to the pima county jail for your arraignment at the federal courthouse, maybe five days in jail for smuggling egg's.




I worry about the lack of refrigeration in storing eggs here. I've bought some 'floaters'. Rotten eggs will float in water good ones sink.


I worry about the lack of refrigeration in storing eggs here. I've bought some 'floaters'. Rotten eggs will float in water good ones sink.
That always amazed me too. How all the eggs sit in a lightly cooled area, with barely a fan on them. But then again, my MIL always kept the previously opened jar of McCormack's mayonaise with the lime flavor in the cupboard and NOT in the fridge. Nobody died or even got sick after using it, including me.


Lovin it in RP!
Someone just told me that eggs do not require refrigeration if they have not been washed . There is a membrane on a natural egg that keeps it good. When you wash it it washes the membrane and then you have to put it in the refrigerator, I know nothing so I have to check it out for myself.
Correct if they have not been washed or refrigerated before they are fine not in frifge. Lots of countries do not refrigerate eggs. However once washed or refrigersted, they need to stay refrigerated.


My wife does not refrigerate our eggs and never a problem. She has never had an egg go bad in the US but tells me of countless rotten eggs found while still living in mexico. Different color of yolks? Diferent chickens.


My wife does not refrigerate our eggs and never a problem. She has never had an egg go bad in the US but tells me of countless rotten eggs found while still living in mexico. Different color of yolks? Diferent chickens.
Different chickens that probably aren't loaded with chemical hormones, eating genetically engineered corn, wheat, that have been sprayed with 10 different pesticides! In Mexico, chicken actually tastes like chicken tasted in the US 45 years ago!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Facts of eggs, no refrigeration needed. Never a problem.
Long range boaters often take lots of eggs because of this reason. Key thing? Turn (rotate) the eggs every couple of days and they will not go bad.
We have chickens that we feed good feed plus table scraps and they get to forage for greens and bugs. Also they're not confined to a 2'x2' box inside and injected with hormones and antibiotics.
Their yolks are dark like the Mexican ones and they taste better. Modern American farming practices are scary.