Media company comes to Peñasco - No bad news here!


Lovin it in RP!
So last week we had the awesome pleasure of hosting a company from Guadalajara. They came to a place they had only heard about but had never visited. 13 crew members and 3 models flew into Mexicali and rented cars to get here last Tuesday. The models were from Argentina, Brazil, and Poland. They had to shoot 27 shots a day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday then go back home to GDL on Saturday.
They hired us to provide transportation while they were in town, to locate sites for shooting specific shots and to provide some props. The week was hard - long hours - super tiring but absolutely worth it. The catalog they were shooting for is one of Latin Americas largest shoe and clothes sellers. They say for every picture of a shoe they sell between 10,000 to 30,000 pairs.
A taste of what we did is on my photo of the week. Click here
The whole set of pics will be uploaded to my facebook page this week. Click here
The models were beautiful and extremely professional and they work very hard for the photographer who is very well known in the photography world.DSCN9719 (Medium).JPG
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Film tour in front of JJ's (Medium).jpg

Oh yeah, I might mention this is the only shooting I was concerned with last week! Life is great!


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Lovin it in RP!
I am so glad to post this awesome glad I don't have to post the bad stuff to feel........ something! Life is good........ viva Peñasco!

Terry C

I agree with the comment from Rhino. Awesome stuff you do for Rocky Point, Russ and Naomi. You both work so hard to promote Rocky Point.


This reminds me of the local news channel on TV. They love to report bad people doing bad stuff. When the good stories like this come along it makes you remember that most people are good and do great things. Puts everything back in the proper perspective. Yeah, life is good!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Very cool!

From having worked for a video production company in the past, I hear you Russ. Everybody thinks being a model, actor, whatever "hollywood" if you will, is some kind of cush dream job -- it's not. It's a lot of damned hard work and long hours whether you're in back of the camera or in front of it.
+1 on that Stuart, Being a commercial Photographer and assistant in the past, 12-14 hour days on your feet always.
Not missing that. A lot of work but when the final shot comes together, it's usually worth it.


Lovin it in RP!
From travel advisor today.....self promotion but from a clients perspective!

“Russ is the man!”
Reviewed December 2, 2013 NEW
We recently went to P.P. to shoot a shoe catalog for a client, Russ went above and beyond making sure we got what we needed for the shots (and then some). Russ became the backbone of this project, without his knowledge, his support and his friendship we would have not been able to deliver such amazing results! he truly knows and loves Peñasco and it´s amazing people and that vibe is passed through out his work. Thanks Russ! you´re the man!!

Visited November 2013


Lovin it in RP!
Had to remove this link sorry, I will re-post when the producer says its ok to do so.
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