Manny's Beach Club to open for the month of March

Manny Sanchez

Vir sapit qui pauca loqui
Just wanted to update everyone. The Beach Club will be open for the month of March. Hotel, Restaurant and Bar. See you all there!
The closing of Manny's Beach Club was and is devastating to many. It leaves a big void in the Rocky Point beach culture. The same applies to the loss of Margaritavilla, with the days of pool tables, and Mark Mulligan entertaining in the evening. The infrastrucure exists, we only need the people with the spirit. (I'm sorry, Karaoke IS NOT Parrothead culture!).


I agree Cactus Jack. Heading to Manny's for cold beers was something I always looked forward to when planning a trip to RP. I loved the great people, ocean view, sand and shell floor and weather beaten Dos XX tables and chairs. Tons of great memories at Manny's!
I agree Cactus Jack. Heading to Manny's for cold beers was something I always looked forward to when planning a trip to RP. I loved the great people, ocean view, sand and shell floor and weather beaten Dos XX tables and chairs. Tons of great memories at Manny's!
Loved sitting at a table against the wall, enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. Hated it when Manny put up the chain link fence. It felt like being in a cage, so counter to the previous feeling of openess. Manny had no choice but to do this. He got busted by the liquor authorities for an underage person on the property, and had to take some action. Another offense would have shut him down.


El Pirata
I remember going into Manny's and seeing little Manny selling tequila and sunglasses out of glass cases, must of been 03. Con todo respecto Manny te fue bien ati.