December 12, 2011
Typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery bacilli, tuberculosis, and parasitic worms are transmitted by flies
By: Ivan Bravo
PTO. Peñasco, SON.
A serious problem is affecting plague of flies today and for more than four months the town of Puerto Peñasco, causing a disease outbreak and serious damage to the health of the community.
The proliferation of insects in Puerto Peñasco is in largely to the exploitation of primary activity descalle clam shelling and inside the city, and that the landfill receives daily about 40 tons of shells, visors and waste.
Another determinant of fly plague in the city , is that those who exploit this activity clandestinely cast product residue on the outskirts of the city, seriously affecting the health of citizens and creating a source of infection in health.
In this situation, the director Raymundo Oomislim Blanco Ruiz, said that the para-municipal applied three times per week insecticide and lime in places where waste is deposited on fishing, which is avoided as breeding of flies and other pests to health.
"We working well in litter control, fumigation and is made of lime application in organic waste and sprayed directly into the shells every three days, but it is contaminated by illegal dumping fly. "
Blanco Ruiz acknowledged that some people engaged in this activity does not want to pay the monthly fee Oomislim and throw debris on the outskirts of the city, "are doing it because he does not pay or they do not want to go to the landfill, and we'll start to fine".
In July, August and September the peak of the exploitation of the clam genus Rocky landfill waste 250 tons per day for this activity, causing a collapse in the control of fly breeding, so that the Today we still observe this pattern in a smaller scale.
Currently the landfill receives daily an estimated 90 tons of trash, 50 tons which corresponds to shells, visors and fishing activity waste.
Playing Mass: Plague of Flies
House female can lay about 8000 thousand eggs whites in the following 24 hours the larvae hatch and begin to eat nutrient-rich organic remains, such as exist at present in the landfill to dispose of tons of shells and viscera of the fishing.
At the end of metamorphosis, the adult breaks one end of the pupa with a circular cut and flies in search of congeners to mate and complete their life cycle. Adults can live for half a month, but given the conditions in the unregulated descalladoras, proliferation and plague of flies is felt even in winter weather, although in this time of year is rare insect presence in mass .
Serious Health Problem
House flies can carry infectious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery bacilli, tuberculosis, and parasitic worms and can transmit from their paws or mouth and into the food subsequently consumed.
The proliferation of large volumes of Flies are considered one of the worst household pests, surpassing the mosquitoes, ants, mice and cockroaches.
They meet health authorities to solve plague of flies
A meeting to resolve the problems emerging from the proliferation of flies in the town of Puerto Peñasco is the weekend said the health sector and municipal government, which took definitive agreements for the welfare of the community of Puerto Peñasco.
The plan of work to be undertaken by the Health Regulation Unit, the Agency Municipal Cleaning Operator, Department of Epidemiology and Health Municipal coordination is to identify the problem and call for different groups to give information talks hygiene measures must be taken to prevent reproduction and 'proliferation of flies.
"We invite companies filleting, descalladoras, and that kind of turns are what we mostly have problems or that the public identifies as problematic, there we will give a talk on the importance of hygiene, "said the head of the state unit of sanitary regulation.
Meza said Ivan Valenzuela will be starting next Wednesday, December 14 when the units mentioned above start with the work of talks and supervision in areas where these activities are conducted from the sea.
stated that she also talks will be aimed at the general population in order to eradicate the pest problems that currently flies there in Rocky Point, "the population take the same measures taken by the owners of such establishments in order to avoid diseases that can lead you flies. "
He explained that the landfill also will take stronger measures to prevent the reproduction and proliferation of flies, which is a pest in a few weeks time will tend to disappear, said the state official.
"Establishments and businesses handling seafood and above all has descallan are supervised and regulated by contract with a deposit of garbage they generate, as visors and shells. "
The main problem of the plague of flies today comes from illegal landfills that are used to dispose of such shells and organic waste generated by the proliferation of flies, said the owner of the control unit health.
To give solution to this situation felt by the population, monitor and inspect establishments that and we will be vigilant in the outskirts of the city to prevent further illegal dumping with.