Mañana-itis is a Mexican Epidemic



You're absolutely right.
Please substitute "Worthless, Snivelling, Favor-Trading, Two-Faced, Back-Stabbing, Do-Goody Politicians in general" for "Democrats" in my post above.... :cheers:
Hmmm, gives one the impression that you do not like politicians in general ? Of course I could be wrong about that, might be a cultural difference.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Stephen - you fail to see the hypocrisy of your own "professional standard" here...

The things you characterize as "opportunities" above may not appeal to the people that you would have to rely on in order to be successful.... get it?

Just because YOU see opportunity, does not mean other people don't see an enormous waste of time and resources.

Do whatever you want, and enjoy whatever success you can along the way, but you CAN'T morally or ethically levy the burden of failure onto the backs of other people (unless you happen to be a Democrat serving in US Government.... but I digress)

This one's for you:

The US businessman came at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."

The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, señor?"

The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

"Millions, señor? Then what?"

The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "No, gracias"

-Author Unknown

Maybe the fisherman should have said: "Ok- Let's get started Manana..."

Two words and I dont need a story to tell it. OPPORTUNITY COST.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Hmmm, gives one the impression that you do not like politicians in general ? Of course I could be wrong about that, might be a cultural difference.

Moore doesnt believe in government revenue. My vote for bringing down the debt, take away public education, make everyone go to a private school. Definitely no free birth control for all those pleasure F#$%ing females. Screw it, lets go back to Darwin, survival of the fittest, you know, **** on everyone that cant help themselves. Nobody needs help pick yourself up by the boot straps GD. Take away SS and medicare, that should fix the problem. We can bankroll the money we saved from all the above and find a new country to start shooting cruise missiles into, keep building the ULTIMATE WEAPON that we'll never use, tanks that will never see battle.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Moore doesnt believe in government revenue..
Firstly- Welcome back from your forum vacation. Your pal Jerry and I had a BLAST of a conversation about your walker while you were out. Don't ask me why, because I have no friggin clue.

Now- regarding government revenue: Your statement above is not 100% accurate.

I believe that taxation is coercion, and that coercing someone to surrender their legitimate earnings to you, and then using that money in ways that the original earner does not approve of, is analogous to theft- and obviously, I think theft sucks dog-balls.

You must remember- the US income tax system is clearly documented to be 100% voluntary; even though the IRS comes after you pretty hard if you fail to "voluntarily" participate.

Now- to me, the merits of a "voluntary" tax system should be buttressed by the power of personal choice- ie: there should be a list of categories on our tax return forms, from which we can personally select which gov't programs we want our taxes to go towards, and which ones we don't.

That way, anyone who wants more tanks/planes/battleships, and fewer museums can direct their tax dollars as they wish, while people who want more education, or publicly funded medical care, etc can direct their taxes appropriately so as well...

Now what, pray tell, would be morally wrong with such a system of choice?

We get to vote for our representatives, right?- so, why can't we also vote on how these representatives use OUR money?


Firstly- Welcome back from your forum vacation. Your pal Jerry and I had a BLAST of a conversation about your walker while you were out. Don't ask me why, because I have no friggin clue.

Now- regarding government revenue: Your statement above is not 100% accurate.

I believe that taxation is coercion, and that coercing someone to surrender their legitimate earnings to you, and then using that money in ways that the original earner does not approve of, is analogous to theft- and obviously, I think theft sucks dog-balls.

You must remember- the US income tax system is clearly documented to be 100% voluntary; even though the IRS comes after you pretty hard if you fail to "voluntarily" participate.

Now- to me, the merits of a "voluntary" tax system should be buttressed by the power of personal choice- ie: there should be a list of categories on our tax return forms, from which we can personally select which gov't programs we want our taxes to go towards, and which ones we don't.

That way, anyone who wants more tanks/planes/battleships, and fewer museums can direct their tax dollars as they wish, while people who want more education, or publicly funded medical care, etc can direct their taxes appropriately so as well...

Now what, pray tell, would be morally wrong with such a system of choice?

We get to vote for our representatives, right?- so, why can't we also vote on how these representatives use OUR money?
As long as we're so off topic, I might as well take it over the rainbow.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Firstly- Welcome back from your forum vacation. Your pal Jerry and I had a BLAST of a conversation about your walker while you were out. Don't ask me why, because I have no friggin clue.

Now- regarding government revenue: Your statement above is not 100% accurate.

I believe that taxation is coercion, and that coercing someone to surrender their legitimate earnings to you, and then using that money in ways that the original earner does not approve of, is analogous to theft- and obviously, I think theft sucks dog-balls.

You must remember- the US income tax system is clearly documented to be 100% voluntary; even though the IRS comes after you pretty hard if you fail to "voluntarily" participate.

Now- to me, the merits of a "voluntary" tax system should be buttressed by the power of personal choice- ie: there should be a list of categories on our tax return forms, from which we can personally select which gov't programs we want our taxes to go towards, and which ones we don't.

That way, anyone who wants more tanks/planes/battleships, and fewer museums can direct their tax dollars as they wish, while people who want more education, or publicly funded medical care, etc can direct their taxes appropriately so as well...

Now what, pray tell, would be morally wrong with such a system of choice?

We get to vote for our representatives, right?- so, why can't we also vote on how these representatives use OUR money?

I understand what you're saying and it is logical, however I fear that if we had a system like that it wouldn't be too far off of unlimited campaign contributions. I can only imagine if our tax system was like that right now and you think the defense budget is big now?! People would be persuaded to give their tax money to sectors only favorable to making money. A man that works for Lockheed Martin isn't going to willingly designate his tax money for anything but defense considering that's how he makes a living through government contracts. This man is not going to be designating his tax money towards public education. Obviously that is a big hypothetical and I like factual but it pushes a point that I think that kind of system would be easily corrupted as well.

Quick story, my buddy is an accountant and lives in a North Phoenix neighborhood very close to me. The City of Phoenix a year or so ago installed traffic control round abouts on the street that my buddy lives on and one of these happened to be in front of his house. The neighborhood had to sign off on it and everyone did and everything was installed. Within 6 months 2 of the 3 had already been removed at neighbors requests. After a drunk ass crashed his truck into my buddy's house he finally called the city and said get this thing out of here. Ok, couple of weeks ago we're driving and we're talking about this and I said to my buddy, what a waste of money that was by the city. Maybe was up for a year and god knows what that cost to have it installed and then taken down, lines repainted. Complete joke, so my buddy who's an accountant says, see Joe that's why I write off everything I can so I dont have to pay state tax for BS like that. Im thinking to myself, well he does have a good point but if you're not paying state tax then your money also isn't going to things that matter. I dont think that is the answer, government is stupid some of the time so Im going to loophole the **** out of this and give them nothing. My buddy is a republican and I guarantee that both him and MOORE voted no on Prop "i dont even remember" to add a ONE CENT sales tax to the already cheap **** you're buying from China and AZ voted it down. ONE CENT SALES TAX FOR EDUCATION AND IT DIDNT PASS ~~~~~~SMH

I love how the people that hate tax are even defiant over 1 CENT!!! lol I mean ok I understand you hate government, you hate taxes but 1 CENT increase so the teacher that has to put up with your snot nose kid can have 10 more pencils a month or new books/learning material ???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SMH I used to throw pennies away in the trash can because i hated the sound of them jingaling in my pocket and we say NO??????!!!!!!!!!!


Stay Thirsty My Friends
My wife is a Teacher... I actually voted yes on Prop 204.

I'm a huge proponent of children not getting shafted simply because adults tend to be complete idiots.

I also can't see how a system based upon personal choice could be corrupted.. I agree with your point that people would align their voluntary tax allocations with their own personal interests, but that's kind of the point... The DOLLARS would demonstrate to the Politicians what their budgets should be, and what programs are ACTUALLY important to the citizenry (in aggregate).

Imagine a system where John Murtha's taxpayer funded, vacant, private use airport could have never been built; or a world where we only fight the wars that the PEOPLE decide we can afford to fight.

Imagine a world where the politicians can't AFFORD to sit around arguing about setting up an Internet kill switch (which is nothing but a tool of mass government censorship in disguise) , or where they can't afford to build datacenters to hold ZETABYTES of your cell phone and text message data (to be used against you later when some law gets passed that outlaws whatever it was you were texting about)

Imagine all the people.... living for today.... yooo-hoooo, oooooooo.

Ok, between my little back and forth with Roberto the Mirador Meter Maid, and then Kenny "Don't call me Democrat" Clever, and now this, I am now guilty of being involved in THREE hijacks of this thread...

Sorry about that, Stephen.
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I'm clueless. Got a funny call today from somebody asking why I am doing GoPenasco Radio with Classic Rock and not country or local music. I was unable to respond before the call ended. I pretty much got chewed out for trying to attract hockey readers to come visit this resort community. Oh, the pictures on are also offensive.

Combine that with all the great comments on this thread and I have to believe I've picked the perfect community to spend the rest of my life as a part of.

To be so blessed... in a single day I've learned so much about myself.

I'm a bad man because I live where I always dreamed of living...on a beach in Mexico.
I'm out of touch because of the suggestion that manana-itis has a direct link to empty pockets.
I'm the ugly American because I expect an appointment to be honored, or at the minimum, be told by the other party that he is not going to make it.

I think I'll go back to writing my stories, drinking Corona, streaming classic rock, taking pictures of beautiful girls, and failing to submerse myself in the culture of Mexico.

Somebody tell Roger to play it a little louder. Red boy, white boy, black boy, we all got the same blues. That sure sounds good with my wife smiling as I enjoy my simple pleasures.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
So... off to Rants with this freakin' trainwreck of what was a legitimate thread??

You people amaze me. This thread had NOTHING to do with politics, yet the last several pages are nothing but name-calling and political rant.

Knock it the hell off.


I think I'll go back to writing my stories, drinking Corona, streaming classic rock, taking pictures of beautiful girls, and failing to submerse myself in the culture of Mexico.

Somebody tell Roger to play it a little louder. Red boy, white boy, black boy, we all got the same blues. That sure sounds good with my wife smiling as I enjoy my simple pleasures.
Now there's a great idea !!


Guest can't help yourself...sort of makes me blue. Back to the issue it isn't much different than in the rural west.People work in bursts and when it's Elk season well fix your own roof

Bob Oso

Manana-itis....har! ...this condition is as old as the hills, and has been talked about endlessly. If I'm not mistaken it was a few years ago that some Mexican nationals and American transplants decided to get together and get this worked out once and for all. Lock themselves in a room and vowed not to come out until a some type of conclusion to this had been made. After days they finally emerged and anounced that in order for people to better understand and relate to this epedemic, they decreed that the phrase "Manana-maybe" would now be instituted to better imply a time reference.