Mañana-itis is a Mexican Epidemic


A good Penasco friend was explaining the difference been a Mexican and a Norte Americano.

It is a beautiful warm day - great beach weather. The kid says to his Dad, "Don't go to work today - lets go to the beach!"

The Mexican Dad looks at the kid, looks at the waiting beach, looks at his waiting work and says, "Okay, you are right, today is a good beach day. Tomorrow will be a good work day." and off they go to the beach.

The Norte Americano looks at the kid, looks at the waiting beach, looks at his waiting work and says, "Son, I really need to get this work done. Tomorrow might be a good beach day and we can go then."

Different cultures have different priorities.
I couldn't agree more. But, the Mexican who just took his son to the beach, has now pissed off Stephen Heisler because he didn't show up for work.

In the long run, the Mexican doesn't care, because he spent the day with his son. Life is short and Mexicans perceive death differently than the gringos do. Just read Octavio Paz's "Labrynth of Solitude". So, the Mexican knows he pissed Stephen Heisler off, and he may feel bad, but he also thinks to himself, "I spent a wonderful day with mi hijo, and who knows - I might be dead tomorrow and I'll regret having gone to work - I'll never regret spending time with my son."


Stephen - I just want to add that I don't want you to feel like you're being picked on (at least not by me). But living in Mexico for 7 months is a tiny fraction of the time that it will take you, or anyone for that matter, to try and understand Mexico and Mexicans. Some people will never understand - and maybe we shouldn't even try to understand. We should, as "outsiders", appreciate the good and the bad that the people and the country have to offer. We may not like everything about it, but it is what it is. It's not up to us to try and change a country that has most of its customs rooted in hundreds of years of history.


And P.S., after 20+ years of travelling around different parts of Mexico, 10 years being married to a Mexican (and basically he entire family), just when I think I might have it sort of "figured out" - something happens that reminds me just how wrong I am! LOL


El Pirata
Ha, there you are, I was wondering when the real Steve was going to pop out again.... After getting a bad taste in my mouth after reading your stuff when you first arrived, I've been amazed that you've been able to stay in charactor for so long.
What are you talking about Kenny? You got the right person I remember you had problems with Steve S.
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I'm not trying to change anybody. Heck, I'm also married to a great Mexican girl and will hopefully never really figure her out.

Maria's family understands responsibility and work-ethic. They have lived up to there end of the bargain for the last 300 years. The cattle depend on the family and the family depends on the cattle. I've seen the operation, I've spent the last eight years with Maria, and I've worked with dependable and hard-working Mexicans for my entire life.

You can't group an entire country of people into a stereo-type. Responsibility is just that.

I'm not trying to change Puerto Penasco, or the life-style of the manana-itis infected folks. I simply have elected to not do business with those that can't understand or comprehend the value of honesty and communication.

A simple "ok son,lets go to the beach after I call the man that is waiting for me ask to postpone our appointment for another day," is not difficult.


That's a bit arrogant.

You want me to move to Chicago because I refuse to do business with those that have a difficult time with honesty? I'm expected to just accept sub-standard service because you believe it is acceptable?

We are about to turn the page on 2012 Roberto, and the world economy has never been more tightly bound together. Our company has programmers in Asia, scouts in Europe, readers in Canada, and fools like me writing about hockey in places like Sault Ste. Marie Ontario and Puerto Penasco.

Mexico and Puerto Penasco has an excellent opportunity to take advantage of their best assets, the people. I don't have to develop acceptance for unreliable business practices, I can simply secure the services of others that can also do the job on time and at a fair price.

I happen to believe that this community could be a major telecommunications center that caters to companies that have a heavy bilingual customer base. Residents here are in a perfect position to handle calls from Latin America as well as Canada and United States. For obvious reasons, there are a ton of deportees that would be an excellent labor source for these centers. We are talking about jobs that pay a decent wage. Manana-itis will chase those jobs away.

Roberto, please don't be offended while I simply flush what you had to say with the rest of the waste.
Hey Pal, touchy touchy. Flush away, flush away. No mi importa. You could not possibly offend me. My comment was part of what I thought was a general discussion of differing cultural values. The neat human stuff that makes the world interesting. There were several interposing posts between your initial one and mine, I was commenting to everyone and agreeing with some. If I was talking to you directly I would have no problem putting your name down.

Now I will communicate to you directly, just so you know !!

SH Sez: I refuse to do business with those that have a difficult time with honesty?

Now you bring up honesty! Honestly now, I thought the discussion was about cultural values and attitudes. So now if someone chooses to not do business with you they are dishonest? If someone does not have the same values as you they are dishonest? Hmmm, sorry that's quite a magnificent leap and perhaps a tad arrogant there Stephen. ( I used your name here notice)

While you have certainly gained a wealth of detailed knowledge, opinions and an attitude in the whopping 7 months you have lived here (out in one of the high rise condos with the tourists I think?) Maybe after another 5 or 6 years a little understanding will seep in. There are a few in the world who do not think the American Way is the ONLY way. Oh and thanks for letting me know what year it is. I had forgotten, but that means nothing to me anymore. Maybe Manana !!

I certainly hope that outside influences do not make Mexico another hustle bustle country of selfish self possessed people. I'm really not to worried. The history of Mexico is littered with the bodies of those knowledgeable people that came from other countries to tell the Mexicans how to live.

Stephen, you are missing out. Try living in a foreign country, its a lot of fun.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Please tear down the worthless unfinished towers around Penasco and beaches and make a fresh start. City would look allot better.

We'll get right on that for you....

Manana. :wink:

Seriously, though - if the city wanted to remove some of those unfinished projects, then instead of going after the builders to clean the sites up, the city should just do what it did with the Fiesta Boozer when it finally became a safety hazard, and run an ad saying "Here is where the scrap metal is.... Go get it"


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Tolerance and patience go a long way to a happy life. Trying to control other people is not a good thing, I think.
It's actually a fool's errand, IMHO.

I mean, people are going to go ahead and park their boat wherever they want to.... right? :rofl:

Spot on about patience and tolerance. :thumbsup:


It's actually a fool's errand, IMHO.

I mean, people are going to go ahead and park their boat wherever they want to.... right? :rofl:

Spot on about patience and tolerance. :thumbsup:
We of the Mirador Neighborhood Watch Association (MINEWASS )are well aware of the boat parking issues on Sinaloa and keep a sharp eye out for problems. David phoned me this morning about a neighborhood issue.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Mexico and Puerto Penasco has an excellent opportunity to take advantage of their best assets, the people. I don't have to develop acceptance for unreliable business practices, I can simply secure the services of others that can also do the job on time and at a fair price.

I happen to believe that this community could be a major telecommunications center that caters to companies that have a heavy bilingual customer base. Residents here are in a perfect position to handle calls from Latin America as well as Canada and United States. For obvious reasons, there are a ton of deportees that would be an excellent labor source for these centers. We are talking about jobs that pay a decent wage. Manana-itis will chase those jobs away.

Stephen - you fail to see the hypocrisy of your own "professional standard" here...

The things you characterize as "opportunities" above may not appeal to the people that you would have to rely on in order to be successful.... get it?

Just because YOU see opportunity, does not mean other people don't see an enormous waste of time and resources.

Do whatever you want, and enjoy whatever success you can along the way, but you CAN'T morally or ethically levy the burden of failure onto the backs of other people (unless you happen to be a Democrat serving in US Government.... but I digress)

This one's for you:

The US businessman came at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."

The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, señor?"

The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

"Millions, señor? Then what?"

The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "No, gracias"

-Author Unknown

Maybe the fisherman should have said: "Ok- Let's get started Manana..."


Stephen - you fail to see the hypocrisy of your own "professional standard" here...

The things you characterize as "opportunities" above may not appeal to the people that you would have to rely on in order to be successful.... get it?

Just because YOU see opportunity, does not mean other people don't see an enormous waste of time and resources.

Do whatever you want, and enjoy whatever success you can along the way, but you CAN'T morally or ethically levy the burden of failure onto the backs of other people (unless you happen to be a Democrat serving in US Government.... but I digress)

This one's for you:

The US businessman came at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."

The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, señor?"

The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

"Millions, señor? Then what?"

The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "No, gracias"

-Author Unknown

Maybe the fisherman should have said: "Ok- Let's get started Manana..."
Thanks rb moore - I was waiting for someone to post this. Two things to be learned from this: (1) Everyone has a different definition of "success", and (2) Be careful what you wish for.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
and BTW Stephen--- Don't take my post above as a critcism of ALL your points.

When you say:
I simply have elected to not do business with those that can't understand or comprehend the value of honesty and communication.
I can see where you're coming from... but I call this simply prudent business practices... ie: "fool me once, yada yada yada" :)


Stay Thirsty My Friends
We of the Mirador Neighborhood Watch Association (MINEWASS )are well aware of the boat parking issues on Sinaloa and keep a sharp eye out for problems. David phoned me this morning about a neighborhood issue.
Just wait until the offshore bite picks up a little more... you'll have another episode of "neighborhood issues" rolling into town

Just listen for the clatter (and the smell) of the big Ford diesel...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
The Moore isn't digressing, he whining and it makes my day. Thanks Moore.

You're a man of simple pleasures. I can appreciate that.

But, as ye sow, so too shall ye reap...

I'm sure you'll be ok, just as long as you croak before the currency system collapses due to an unpayable 50 Trillion dollar future burden of Medicare and Social Security.

I'm digressing again... Let's just leave this thread hijack hanging on "Simple pleasures", shall we?
I'm not trying to change anybody. Heck, I'm also married to a great Mexican girl and will hopefully never really figure her out.

Maria's family understands responsibility and work-ethic. They have lived up to there end of the bargain for the last 300 years. The cattle depend on the family and the family depends on the cattle. I've seen the operation, I've spent the last eight years with Maria, and I've worked with dependable and hard-working Mexicans for my entire life.

You can't group an entire country of people into a stereo-type. Responsibility is just that.

I'm not trying to change Puerto Penasco, or the life-style of the manana-itis infected folks. I simply have elected to not do business with those that can't understand or comprehend the value of honesty and communication.

A simple "ok son,lets go to the beach after I call the man that is waiting for me ask to postpone our appointment for another day," is not difficult.
So true! It's a matter of doing what you say you are going to do or at least properly communicating your intentions.

GV Jack

Snorin God
I simply have elected to not do business with those that can't understand or comprehend the value of honesty and communication.
Would that that problem were just confined to the folks you deal with here. I had a life time of people saying they were going to place that order tomorrow.

But manana never came. A wise man moves on. An idiot keeps buying into it and expects different results. Move on, get your circle of good, loyal clients,
treat them well and reap the rewards. After many, many years I've learned that you have business friends and real friends. The business friends leave if
they don't need you. The real friends are always there when you need each other, It works both ways. Now where's my pickles?


Stay Thirsty My Friends
So true! It's a matter of doing what you say you are going to do or at least properly communicating your intentions.
I think the personal value you guys are tip-toeing around is integrity, and the personal commitment and adherence to contract (whether verbal or otherwise)... yes?

Well, superiority of contract is a VERY western (read: European Caucasian) concept; and integrity is a PERSONAL attribute - it is not cultural, nor racial. I know many Mexican people who keep their word once they give it.

Therefore, any comparison of "Mexicans" integrity versus "Americans" integrity is utter nonsense (to me at least) ...

People simply are who they are. The choice to deal with them (or not) is YOURS.


You're a man of simple pleasures. I can appreciate that.

But, as ye sow, so too shall ye reap...

I'm sure you'll be ok, just as long as you croak before the currency system collapses due to an unpayable 50 Trillion dollar future burden of Medicare and Social Security.

I'm digressing again... Let's just leave this thread hijack hanging on "Simple pleasures", shall we?
No, lets leave in on your telling word "Democrats", instead of the other less political words a man with you vast vocabulary could, or should I say, should have chosen if your were not just trying to make a party biased political point.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
No, lets leave in on your telling word "Democrats", instead of the other less political words a man with you vast vocabulary could, or should I say, should have chosen if your were not just trying to make a party biased political point.

You're absolutely right.
Please substitute "Worthless, Snivelling, Favor-Trading, Two-Faced, Back-Stabbing, Do-Goody Politicians in general" for "Democrats" in my post above.... :cheers: