Ahh, your two-bit doctor told you.....He was right on one thing, if you are old or ill, STAY HOME. The rest of us have very little to worry about with the Chinese virus.
Given your obvious condition, you really need to be hiding under your bed. Poke your head out come Christmas and we will update you.
He's the only Dr. I have ever trusted. so not a 2 bit Dr. I'm not ill and probably in better shape than you are.
I'm over 50 but will take some of the precautions in-order to hang out a bit longer.
People like you are the reason this isn't getting controlled, ME, ME and more Me, must be the song you sing to yourself.
With the CV-19 virus currently doing a little mutating you better hope it doesn't target you Me, Me and more Me types and
you don't end up with a ventilator down your throat.
FYI, Your buddies the Chinese might have another dose of mutated Swine Flu heading your way. Get under the bed quick.