Looking to buy exercise equipment...for me!

ok thanx- so where is the elliptical? In Green Valley? In Tuscon? If it's Green Valley, how far is that from here? Hours I mean...Maybe I could drive up there, but it depends on how far....


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi Terri, my boyfriend Jerry, not the Jerry on this site, has a Gazelle machine he would sell you for 50 bucks. It's not exactly an Elliptical machine but similar. You can google it and look at the differences. I have a trailer that we can bring it down in and we are pretty sure we are coming on the 28th....
Hi Chari,
Thanx for your offer but I think i want to stick with the Elliptical- I got one a few years back and really liked it. Now it's down in Playa Ventura, Guerrero and I may not ever move it up here. So I'm going to try to get one up here. Are you anywhere near Tuscon or Green Valley? Would you consider bringing that one down here? I am not clear where it is exactly, but hopefully will know soon ha ha. Let me know- thanx- also- looking forward to meeting you! Merry Christmas!


Lovin it in RP!
I have seen exercise machines every Saturday and Sunday on both Samuel Ocana and Josepha Dominguez at segundas I bet they are cheap too.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi Terri, I'm in Phoenix and Green Valley is about 140 miles from here and then its around 200 more miles to Penasco from there. If Playa comes down in his pick up truck, he could probably bring you one.....I'll look on Craigslist here......


Hi everyone,
Well we made it to Puerto Penasco! Been here 2 weeks and already found a cute little house to rent in our budget with a yard for our big lab Sam. Anyway my elliptical couldn't make the trip, we just ran out of room. Anybody have one for sale? or know of one for sale? I really do not want to go to Arizona to buy one, and somebody's gotta have something....maybe one of these closed gyms...
Anyway so glad to be here!
There is always a ton of exercise equipment on Phoenix Craigslist: phoenix sporting goods - all classifieds "elliptical" - craigslist


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
OK Terri I'll check it later and give you some prices. We may not make it down this weekend and even if we do, we peobably couldn't bring it. I have no idea how much it weighs and Jerry just had surgery almost 6 weeks ago and is still on lifting restriction. I don't know if thje 2 of us could lift it together.......


sams club rp had a golds gym one new...also really good Argentine sausages if you get off this health kick
HI Chari,
Hey thanx for all your help, but pls don't worry about it. You man just had surgery. Anyway I've seen a couple of used ones here so I'll probly choose one of those. Seems like anything I could want is available used...thanx again!! Have a safe trip down and I look forward to meeting you!
I'll have to borrow a card from my friend to get into Sam's- is it an elliptical or a bike? (I'm looking for an elliptical)
thanx for the tip!


I'll have to borrow a card from my friend to get into Sam's- is it an elliptical or a bike? (I'm looking for an elliptical)
thanx for the tip!
Elliptical....looked ok for a cheap machine.I bought a livestrong for my boss that cost 1200 bucks this year and thought it wasn't heath club quality. Ended up taking the giant assed thing back and getting him a bike model....he doesn't use that either but it takes up less room