Looking for a big fish charter or local to take me grouper fishing.


I'll be in town for Memorial Day weekend. I had 5 guys lined up to book a big boat to run to the 20 mile reef to try and for bigger fish. Grouper WSB etc. Well people backed out and it's down to 2 of us. We can't afford the big boat on our own.

I was wondering if anybody knows of any open party style boats that run that far off shore? Or a more reasonably priced charter that wouldn't break the bank between 2 or 3 guys? I'm Not looking for the small cochito/bass half day panga trips.

Or if anyone is looking for someone to split up the cost of a trip on their personal boat with, maybe we can work something out. I have quality gear. Avet and Penn reels on Calstar and seeker rods.

Let me know thanks.