We should all be thanking Lorraine for working so hard to ensure that all owners follow the rules of the Hotel operation. C'mon people, you cannot expect to do anything you want in a planned Hotel development. If you bought at LP to personally enjoy the resort or share with your guests you should have bought somewhere else. Instead, please stop complaining and become a great partner in the Hotel business and help all of our property values increase.Own in LP, Las Conchas, & community in Tucson. Cadden has really screwed up in Tucson & will give him chance to solve issues where his folks r wrong, but have positive issues hopefully in all properies in RP. I will also say I am glad Dry Heave/SC/Etc were caught not allowing nominations @ HOA Mtg. However now we have too many controlling folks on TC/SC including that dictating Teacher/Lawyer(Lorraine B) person; who by the way does not own my condo!!!!
There should be restrictions in place shortly to severely restrict all owners from having guests in their units without compensation to the resort.