Lovin it in RP!
Joint billboard, funny in the contextThanks Jim....was just wondering after I saw the "joint" billboard coming in to town....
Joint billboard, funny in the contextThanks Jim....was just wondering after I saw the "joint" billboard coming in to town....
Catorce is closed...the owner is on the run from the CartelCatorce used to be locals hangout (the Mexican yuppies???)....
Black Dog was open all last weekSomeone posted in another thread that Black Dog had closed for good.....I'll be down this weekend and can verify
Hey least I show my face in Penasco....not like you who holes up down in your "gated" community.....
The chicken place is called Crispy's. It's on Sonora st. by Josefa or Sinaloa,I can't remember. I've been wanting to try it myself. Let's go next time we are down together. The hot dog place is called Chon's. It's on Constitucion about 200 feet from Benito Juarez. Going north on Juarez, turn left on Constitucion and it's on the right. They guy has a white pick up parked in front. Yummy goopy hot dogs!
I'm still aware of where I go and what I do...just can't see some people doing the "head in the sand"...telling everyone there is nothing going on down there. There may be a point in time where I will say the risk is greater than the rewards....and stop going. It hasn't arrived yet.....Joe you don't seem to be coming to Mexico any less just are making trouble(which I'm a big fan of myself) but if i have to send my men to town you better be ready with your paintball gun!
..just can't see some people doing the "head in the sand"...telling everyone there is nothing going on down there...
Roberto....and correct me if I'm wrong...but I beleive you were bringing in a comparison of the violence that exists in the states to what is going on in Mexico, thereby lessening the "impact" of that Mexico violence.....and denying through your comments that there is an ongoing WAR between the government and the cartels.If you are referring to Yo, re read everthing I wrote. No where did I state or even suggest there was nothing going on down here. Yes, there are serious problems with violence, and at the risk of another diatribe, there are serious problems with violence in many places. Yes, yes, yes, keep informed, take precautions every where you go. I always do. Of coures it means absolutely nothing that I am exposed to any risk of violence much more than people not living here.
What I do see, and what I was objecting to initially, is that if someone posts "I'm not worried about it" there is an element on the forum that mounts, what seems to me an unnecessary attack distorting the original post. Then comes the name calling and insults. If a post is not negative, you piss your pants about it and go on the attack. Shades of grey, Joe, shades of grey. Not everything is in black and white. Context is important for understanding.
This thread seems to have been hijaacked.....what's new??Joe Sez: Roberto....and correct me if I'm wrong...but I beleive you were bringing in a comparison of the violence that exists in the states to what is going on in Mexico, thereby lessening the "impact" of that Mexico violence.....and denying through your comments that there is an ongoing WAR between the government and the cartels.
Not really Joe, re-read what I wrote. Maybe I was not clear, but the point is that there is a very distorted view of the violence in Mexico created by the US Media, that's it Joe. I was in the media business for years, my observations of how they work are first hand, not that that would be important or anything. My interpretations and observations of the behavior of the media are also colored by the fact that I have some 150 or so graduate hours in psychology with 4 degrees. I think it is undeniable that the media reporting is biased by many factors, the biggest one being reporting what garner's eyes and or ears and therefore advertising dollars, not necessarily the news. Violence is a big draw for the news, we humans seem drawn to observing it. If there was that much reporting of crime in the US you would have a distorted view of that too, which was my attempted point.
I do object to he word WAR as it is more inflamatory that is necessary to depict the situation and furthermore fits in with the media's method of drawing viewers, create a little hysteria about a subject is always a good technique.
As such, as I see it, the distortion and hysteria creates bad information, information unnecessarily colored by emotion. Acting on bad information is not a good thing, right? Now this goes both way too. I did feel that the reaction to Rob's mild comment and observation fit right into this scheme.
Now you can argue that the US media is fair and even handed and not 'over reporting' the violence in Mexico and you can argue that using the word WAR is not inflammatory, but I can see pretty far, no sand in my eyes.
~ ~ ~ Oh my god, ~ ~ ~ not another one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl::lol::rofl::lol:suggestion (so please don't jump all over me, i hestiate always to post here as i don't want to get in arguments with anyone...and there is alot of that on this forum) but please just remember be careful posting this kind of info...(for the owners sake)...some of these are not closed.....they may have changed days/hours opened or took a holiday break, but they are still doing business and need business....i ate at some of them just last week...
Blue budda
churros and burros
pitaya (this is open upstairs for a great breakfast, downstairs outside little bar...great for drinks)
pink cadillac (they are open and in fact very very busy last sunday for breakfast which was great as always.....)
tenshi sushi ( i think the might had moved)
sushi sun
most of the benny pizza locations